Blogger Spotlight #1

By Megan Lillie @meganjanelillie
I've loved reading blogs since way before I started writing my own. So I think it's about time I shared some of my favorite blogs with the rest of you, you know, sharin' the love and all that. So without further ado, here are four of my current favorite blogs that are inspiring me...
Bonjour Luce was one of the very first blogs I began to follow when I started writing my own. Luce writes in such a captivating way and always tells the truth when it comes to the products she tries. I love how she clearly photographs her make-up and she always looks flawless (jealous!). I look forward to her next posts as she's so consistent. Not to mention that every time I read a new post I end up adding yet another product to my wishlist!

I've adored every single outfit Lydia has posted on Fashion Influxever since I set eyes upon her blog. She always has amazing photographs, showing every little aspect of her outfits. She's one of those people who looks good in anything she throws on, from a baseball tee to a lace dress; Not forgetting she's bloody gorgeous! I think her nomination in the Cosmo Blog Awards under Best New Fashion Blog is so well deserved, I absolutely love her.

Where to begin with the incredible Gemma from Miss Makeup Magpie?! She is seriously one of the loveliest bloggers out there and has an outstanding blog to match. Always reviewing products in depth, Gemma certainly isn't afraid to state the truth and that's what I love about her as you can trust her opinion. Her photos are of a crisp and clear quality with the inclusion of clear product swatches. She's just such a babe. Perfect!

Finally comes the uber-cool Kerry from Literally Awkward. I've only just began reading Kerry's blog in the last couple of weeks as I came across her in a #fbloggers chat on Twitter. I instantly began to swoon at her totally individual style and confidence. You can tell in every single one of her outfit posts that she loves fashion and the clothes she wears. She's definitely one to watch.
So there you have it, my four babes of the moment! I hope you'll take a minute to look at their blogs, I assure you that you won't be disappointed! I think it's nice to acknowledge other bloggers and share just how fabulous they are. I hope you enjoyed reading! Don't forget to vote in the Cosmo Blog Awards - I'm in the 'Best New Beauty Blog' category!

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