Blogger Issue Or My Ignorance?

By Shegotherown @AddyGotHerOwn

Good Morning dears and Happy Monday.
I am sorry for the outfit post , it is still not up due to some issues from Blogger.
I have been dealing with this issue for the past 6 hours cracking my heading to find what is wrong with the help of some wonderful blogger friends.
I cannot upload any image to blogger at the moment in any form and I have no idea why, I am not giving up and will definitely work something out fast.
I just wanted to let your all know since my outfit preview said I will post the outfit in a few hours which have now turn into "I don't know when" .
This problem might be my own ignorance or blogger's annoying way to piss me off on a Sunday evening/Monday morning, whichever it is I am not pissed and will not throw the white towel.
Just hang in there and I will figure it out.
Since this happened I have been considering to forsake blogger for good and migrate to Wordpress, any advice?
I am so full of blogger and Google messing up and making me look like a fool.
Sorry if this sounds like I am ranting on blogger or Google, I just don't like my plans been tampered with and definitely hate technical issue that delay or postponed my nicely planned out posts for the week.
Hint me up in the comment and I am so grateful for your understanding and help.
Thank you so so so much Johanna for staying up with me and helping me to find a solution, I am so glad to have you as a Friend and to be always there at any hour even though you live at the other end of the continent.
Thanks Demi too for her suggestions.
Have a wonderful week and make it a productive one, forget Monday blues and wear something blue.
Thanks for reading and Cheers till next post soon.