We are very grateful to style blogger Beth Jordan for taking part in this interview. Many Thanks.
Blog Address: bethjordanstylist.wordpress.com
What is your blog about?
I think this blog will probably be a combination of fashion, beauty, lifestyle, the occasional rambling about media stories and my styling work.
What inspired you to start your blog?
I used to follow blogs and have profiles on sites like Buzznet, but with getting busier with college and then university work I turned to quicker online forms of creative output such as social media apps (facebook/tumblr/twitter/instagram). Whilst taking the PR role for a catwalk event at a city shopping center recently, I began inviting bloggers and realised how I should really be getting back into it!
When did you start your blog?
Properly about a month ago – November!
How do you motivate yourself to keep the blog up and running?
I find it hard to motivate myself to post when I’m particularly busy, so when I do find the time I create a basic draft for a post and come back to it in stages before posting.
What do you find the most frustrating aspect of blogging?
It can be daunting at first starting a new blog, this blank space and being so conscious of what you write but after the initial starting period it becomes so much easier. I think finding other bloggers with similar interests can be difficult at first!
In the future where do you hope your blog will take you?
I’m not entirely sure at the moment, but I would say getting my work out there, meeting like minded people and getting insight into interesting things/inspiration.
Have you met anyone interesting/famous on your blogging journey?
I started a month ago so not yet, but hopefully in the near future or with my styling work!
If you could do only ‘one thing’ today then what would it be?
Professionally: Find my first paid work! Realistically: Complete as much university work as possible so I can focus on more fun things like styling on set/blogging!
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Beth-Jordan-StylingCreative/515769161893566