Blogger Essentials: Win 250 Biz Cards from UPrinting

By Verybusymama @verybusymama
Two years ago on the 18th of April I began my life as a blogger on Mummy's Busy World.
Little did I know the doors it would open for me both professionally and personally. My family and I have had some amazing opportunities and none of it would have been possible without an audience. So of course I take pride in my work and make every effort to promote myself. After all, actors want their films to be seen, singers want to be heard and us bloggers, we want to be read.
Weeks before my first ever blogging conference in the UK I rush ordered a few hundred business cards after hearing about other bloggers getting theirs ready. 
I'm always on top of my game, but it had never occurred to me get some for my blog. Fast forward to 2012, a second blog, my own PR & Social Media shop and I'm scouring the internet for sweet deals on business cards because as I always say, if you don't promote yourself, who will? Business cards have certainly become blogger essentials.
With all my new freelance work coming in and this blog (which I don't have cards for by the way) I jumped all over this opportunity from UPrinting to run a business cards printing quickie giveaway so that one of you lovely readers could win 250 Die-cut Business Cards to go out and promote yourselves and receive them myself as well. The dimensions are very specific but you can see the samples in the picture above which are: 2×3.5″ Rounded Corners, 2×2″ Rounded Corners, 1.75×3.5″ Rounded Corners, 2×3.5″ Leaf, 2×3.5 Rounded one corner, 2×3.5″ Half-Circle Side, 2×3.5″ Oval, OR 2.5″ Circle 14pt Cardstock Gloss / Matte / High Gloss (UV), or 13pt Cardstock Uncoated. 

I know, a lot to read, but you have definitely have some choices. There is also a six business days print turnaround time (so make sure you order with enough time for your next event) and there is free shipping only in the US. I am personally liking the leaf style, however I may end up with the rounded corners which I often use for my images. 

Hmmm? I am going to look around and start working on my design! Enter to win (US only)
Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway <a href="">You need javascript enabled to see this giveaway</a>.

You should assume that I will receive free print products in exchange for the post. Any and all reviews posted are based solely on my own experience and may be atypical. Please practice due diligence in making any related purchase decisions. Interested to hold a giveaway like this? Please sign up here