– A Forum That Was Made Specially For Bloggers

Posted on the 02 December 2019 by Kharim Tomlinson @KharimTomlinson

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A forum is one of the best places to have discussions on a certain topic, like blogging. It is also an amazing place to promote your blog, business or services.

When it comes to blogging, networking is a must and an important tool that you should use to grow your blog. Using a forum to network with other bloggers is a great way to go about doing it.

There is a forum that was made specially for bloggers to have discussions on blogging and to promote their blog as well for free. – A Forum That Was Made Specially For Bloggers was made specially for bloggers to network with each other.

There is so much you can accomplish on the BlogChat forum.

The forum has discussion board on these topics:

  • Blogging Tips - (How To Create A Great Blog)
  • Blog Monetization - (How To Make Money Blogging)
  • Blog Traffic - (How To Generate Blog Traffic)
  • Hosting / Domain / DNS
  • Coding & Programming
  • Blog Review Center
  • and much more

Each month there will be banner giveaways on the blog.

A system will be put in place to host giveaways on the forum. Members will stand a chance to enter to win banners on the forum.

In the future as well, there might cash giveaways.

    A forum is a great place to share your knowledge with others and to also gain knowledge from other bloggers as well.
    You can get very high quality backlinks from forums. With Blog Chat you can also promote your blog for free and get more traffic to your blog.
    More Traffic = More Loyal Visitors = More Subscribers = More Sales = More Profit
    Get ideas for new for making articles for your blog.
    You can also use this forum to get guest bloggers or find blogs to guest post on as well.
    Establish yourself as an expert. When you share what you know that others don't know then this will help to promote yourself as an expert.
    If it is that you need help as well then there will be others that will help you.
    There is also a job board where you can hire other bloggers to work on your blog or to do writing for you. Or you can post whatever services that you want to sell.

This is a brand new forum and has a small amount of members.

I urge you to register your account at and create topics that you need help with on blogging.

Even though this forum is new, it will be one of the top forums online for bloggers in the near future.

Free Blog Promotion On

There is also a board on BlogChat forum where you can promote your blog and your blog post for free.

How does this work?

Each member has the opportunity to promote their blog and blog post in a special section of the forum, dedicated to promoting their blog.

You will also have the option to put your blog link or banner in your signature. So each time you make a new thread or reply to a post then your link will be posted.

This is the best way to get your blog link visible.

In Conclusion...

I would really appreciate it if you join my new forum Blog Chat just so that we could come together as bloggers and network with each other.