Blog Wunderlust : 26th December 2011

By Architechnophilia @atechno
After a brief with a client [...] I can't stop thinking about the project. The subject keeps circulating through both hemispheres of my brain. I dream it, observe, think, research. And sketch profusely
Karim RashidMuseum of Abandoned Mines by Brandon Mosley
Interview with Star Architect Rem Koolhaas | Starbucks Opens New Reclamation Drive Thru Made From Recycled Shipping Containers | Will British people ever think in metric? | Ideology Through Geometry | Mine Plug: Museum of Abandoned Mines | X-Ray Murals Reveal the Architectural Footprint of Razed Buildings | 3d sculptures from scrap wood | Ikea Hopes To Build An Entire London Neighbourhood | Gingerbread Geodesic Dome |
last word: Happy Boxing day everyone I found this video of world renown architect Alvaro Siza singing the Beatles