Blog Wunderlust: 24th December 2012

By Architechnophilia @atechno
I'll plan anything a man wants, from a cathedral to a chicken coop. That's the way I make my living
Henry Hobson Richardson images (c) Miami Herald
Self-Help Housing: The Story of the Urban Homesteading Assistance Board | Why The Starchitect? Foster Unveils Plans For New York Public Library | CityHome Transformer Apartment "Functions As An Apartment Three Times Its Size" | What did Oscar Niemeyer mean to you? | MyArchitects – David Baker + Partners | What does it take to build a livable home for under $100 per square foot? | 2012 in review - Top 10 projects
last word: Puerto Rican team wins design competition hosted by the University of Miami School of Architecture to rebuild Roman Catholic Cathedral in Port-au-Prince, Haiti