Blog Vs Vlog the Actual Difference Blog and Vlog

Posted on the 01 November 2020 by Bloggerspro @webtweeters

Hello, everyone, this is Pritam Khurana founder and CEO of this website. Today I am going to make you clear everything about the actual difference between the blog and vlog. So this is going to be the comparison based article on the blog vs vlog. There are many people who have this confusion, they are really confused about these two terms and they don’t know which one to do. We will also discuss the vlog meaning and the vlogger meaning too. There are several things on the basis of which you can compare these two terms. The most common thing about them is that they both are related to the digital. So look at the comparison of vlog vs blog.

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So what are waiting for let’s start the blog, At first we will start from the meaning of both the blog and the vlog. Then we will look at some of the factors through which you can compare both the vlog and blog. Then, at last, we will move to the blogging vs vlogging.

Meaning of vlog

vlog meaning

The type of video that you create for your audience with your exciting and unique content is termed as a vlog. Vlog meaning is simple, the video that you create of your travelling, fooding, technical support and many more are some of the types of the vlog. Now I think you are all clear about the vlo meaning.

Who is a vlogger?

We are well aware of the vlog, Now we will talk about the vlogger meaning. The people who do vlogging are termed as vlogger. There are many bloggers present in the world. Now you might be thinking is there any platform needed for vlogging? Yes, my dear, there are many platforms through which you can start vlogging and also get some rewards. It means that you can make this your career also.

Some vlogging platforms

  • Youtube
  • Facebook and Facebook live
  • Instagram and Instagram live
  • Dailymotion
  • Flickr

So basically blogger meaning is simple, the people who create blogs on the different platform for the shake of their audience are termed as a vlogger. When we are talking about the blog vs vlog then their platforms also plays an important role in this comparison.

What is vlogging?

When did someone ask you what is vlogging? Then the first thing that reflect in your mind is videos. Basically, the way of creating videos of your own travelling, daily routines, your shopping and many more comes under the vlogging. The thing which you need to become a blogger is only a camera, content and your vlogging platform. If you have these things then you can get started easily.

How you can become a vlogger?

vlogger meaning

As I have mentioned earlier that you need much for becoming a vlogger. You will have to buy a camera, laptop and your own unique content to get started as a vlogger. Now you will have to choose the best vlogging platform on which you will publish your videos to get some rewards. These are some of the things that you will have to do in order to become a vlogger.

While comparing vlog vs blog we have completed vlog sector. Now we will look at the blog.

Whats a blog?

In simple words, we can say that blog is the written content of the vlog. But when someone asks you whats a blog. Then you will answer, The way fo writing content in the form of written text as well as inserting an image in order to make it more understandable are termed as a blog. As we have seen in the vlogging we have different categories of niches to get started. In the same manner, we have different categories of niches in the blog. Such as Techs, gadget, reviews, affiliate and many more. So what are you waiting for let’s get started?

When we are talking about vlog vs blog then the platforms of both the vlog and the blog plays an important role in this comparison.

Some blogging platforms-

  • Blogger
  • WordPress
  • Medium
  • Tumblr
  • Wix

These are some of the blogging platforms through which you can start blogging and also get some rewards by placing ads on your blog. Now we will talk about how you can become a bogger? What do you need to get started?

How you can become a blogger?

I have already provided you with the comparison of vlog vs blog. Now we will talk about, how you can become a blogger? So its very simple you will need a laptop and your style of writing to get started with the blogging. Now you will have to choose the best blogging platform and the niche of your blog on which you want to work. These are some of the information about the vlog and the blog. Now we will talk about the actual difference between them. So let’s get started to the actual difference between the vlog and bog.

Main difference Blog vs Vlog

vlog vs blog

I have given the introduction about both the blog and vlog. Moreover, I have also discussed blogging vs vlogging. Now, what if I compared both the blog and vlog in just a single paragraph? So here is the main difference between blog and vlog.

  • Vlogs mean video content whereas blogs mean written content.
  • Vlogs can be done by showing face whereas blogs don’t need to show face.
  • Blogs need writing skills whereas vlogs need speaking skills.
  • Blogs maker are known as blogger whereas vlogs maker are known as a vlogger.
  • You can choose any of them as your career.


In this article, I have mentioned the comparison of a blog vs vlog and vlogger meaning. I have used different factors on the basis of which you can compare both the terms easily. In my personal views both the blogging and vlogging are best at their own place. Moreover, both are profitable. So you can choose according to your skills in order to get started. I hope that you might like the article. If so do subscribe to my blog.

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