Grace talks about budgeting and finance, and that takes some balls. Not only do I admire (and aspire) to her saving mentality, I think she is an excellent writer with a unique voice. I enjoy actually reading her blog and listen to what she has to say.
Mel. Not only do I admire and respect her as a blogger/professional woman (has a full time job, boyfriend, a life, AND a blog), but she's been such a great friend. It is hard to explain and put into words without getting incredibly emotional but I am so thankful for her friendship and for what it has meant to me.
Robyn and I talk every single day. (Thank goodness for gchat and for her, don't know how I'd get through my work day). She listens to me complain about just about everything, we gab about the crazies on The Bradelor. We dish on our favorite (and not so favorite) bloggers. But, what you may not know about Robyn is that she is incredibly talented and smart business woman. I've never told her this but I really admire her. She is very thoughtful and dedicated to her business. She works more than full-time and has done such a fantastic job. She's also incredibly funny and honest. She also broke my blog... kidding... well not, she did but its okay because she left me a hilarious voicemail and it was an easy fix.
So, when you just don't feel like posting another round of pictures of yourself in your backyard, it helps to talk about the people that you love for one reason or another. Maybe I'll do this more often. Because there are lots of other people that I love!