Blog Biz + Buzz Part 2

By Alissakelly @ALK_FeelingGood

Today I thought I would give ya'll a quick recap of my Blog Biz + Buzz outfit from Tuesday night. When broken down, this outfit is really just wardrobe staples all put together: a blazer, blouse and colored skinnies. Easy peasy! And I had to add the chunky fabulous necklace that I won from Twitter - of all places. Thank you so much, Ann Taylor!!!
This outfit had me walking taller and Feeling Good!! (The whole point to my blog) I even got a compliment from a MAN as I was walking to the seminar ... "Great outfit, what are you.. like a fashion blogger or something?"
Blazer: Gap (old)
Blouse: Express
Skinnies: LOFT
Necklace: c/o Ann Taylor (won it from Twitter)
Bracelet: Derng
To see my full outfit, click here!