Blog Biz + Buzz

By Alissakelly @ALK_FeelingGood
Last night I had the pleasure of attending Meg Biram's seminar Blog Biz + Buzz in Dupont and let me tell you it was a great investment. I met so many other beautiful bloggers and entrepreneurs (expect follows on Twitter and your blogs soon, ladies :) and learned how to grow this here blog. An amazing event complete with cupcakes and champagne on a ping pong table.... table.

Afterwards we exchanged cards, mingled and took photos all around the cool features of the space.

I stalk her online - Brea Ellis of What I Wore: Tip To Toe - and
finally got to meet her!

I met Nakia of Southern Chic Services (such a sweetie!)
and even introduced her to Instagram & Twitter for iPhone

Meg of Mimi + Meg 

A BIG thank you to Meg for sharing her expertise and the businesses who gave us goodies! I can't wait to use them.. especially the Stephanie Johnson clutch.

Added bonus: I won the lovely plate (below) from Ampersand Design Studio! Can't decide how to use it yet... Jewelry? Home-made sweets? Wall decor?

A couple points I took away from the seminar:
- Keep everything consistent (biz cards, blog, any branding, posts etc.)
- Content is king so be yourself
- Credit anything that is not yours
- Network, get to know those around you & do guest posts
...and HAVE FUN!