What’s Your ‘Blind Spot’? Contest:
In Blind Spot, Roz has a visual impairment
that makes her feel insecure. As a result, she becomes so obsessed with proving she is 'normal' that she loses sight of everything else-- including
clues to a murder. What's your blind spot? Was it getting on the cheer squad? Is it losing weight? Have you ever wanted something so bad that, like Roz, you lost or almost lost something or someone important to you? Share it and you could win a signed hardcover of Blind Spot and the chance to have your 'blind spot' story posted on October 26th during Laura Ellen’s blog tour. Some of your favorite authors will be sharing their stories too! To enter go to Laura Ellen’s website www.lauraellenbooks.com and fill out the contest form any time between October 2nd and midnight EST October 16, 2012