Blackboard Fun

By Meltingmoments

I have wanted to get a blackboard for B1 andB2 for a while now. I had put it off as I thought they would just eat the chalk instead of drawing. But I think we are starting to get the idea these days so when I saw a great offer on Spreets for a 2 meter x 40cm vinyl chalkboard that I could stick wherever I wanted it I couldn’t refuse.

I finally put some up this morning when I was desperate for something new to entertain B1 and B2, while the clouds loomed and the rain fell outside.

As any parent or carer of young children will agree, it can be hard going trying to think of new things to keep them occupied in bad weather. We went through a few different activities this morning before we arrived at the erecting of the chalkboard.

We tried colouring in for a while. Our second go at crayons and our first go with an actual colouring in book.

It went well for a good period of time before………

We started drawing on the floor.

This mommy could handle as it wipes off fairly easily. BUT THEN….

We started drawing on the walls!

This mommy couldn’t handle as well. And there were tears when the crayons were taken away for a moment.

Cue chalkboard!!!!!


I have a 45 x 200cm roll of this stuff, but I cant decide where I want to put it. Today I settled for a little on one of the kitchen cupboards while I make up my mind. Here it doesn’t matter if they draw off the blackboard as it can easily be wiped off.

We had so much fun drawing and only tried to eat the chalk 2 or 3 times

My mind has been getting quiet creative while I think of where I can put the remainder of the vinyl chalkboard.I have come up with a few ideas.

Stay tuned for future updates.

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