Blackberry Pies

By Tejal Hewitt @Tejal_x

120g Plain Flour
60g Butter
30g Sugar
Pinch of salt
2 Tsbp cold water
100g Fresh blackberries
1 Small orange zest
Juice of 1 orange
50g Caster Sugar
1 Tsbp flour

In a food processor add cold diced butter and flour

Whizz up and add cold water a little at a time until a dough forms

Roll out the dough and using a cutter, cut out pie bottoms and place into a muffin tray

Put fresh blackberries into a bowl

Add zest and juice of an orange, sugar and flour into the blackberries and stir

Add the blackberry mixture to the pie cases

cut out the tops from the pastry and place on top ( my daughter wanted an open pie hence the single open pie)

Brush the tops with milk and sprinkle on a little sugar

Bake in the oven for 20-25mins at 200c

Enjoy warm or cooled

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