Black Women Stand Up’s “Goddess Spotlight”…Meet Dr. Mom

Posted on the 13 January 2016 by Blackwomenstandup

Happy Wednesday! Meet our first Black Women Stand Up (BWSU)’s Goddess Spotlight, Dr. Doris Bloom-Higginbottom whom we affectionately nicknamed Dr. Mom. Check out BWSU’s video interview with Dr. Mom which took place Saturday, January 9, 2016 live on Below is part one of our three-part interview.

Dr. Mom, mother of nine who was a teen mom, high-school dropout and widowed, defied all odds and let nothing stand in her way as she worked to create a better life for her and her family. In December of 2014 at 67 years of age, Doris Bloom-Higginbottom graduated with her PhD from PVAMU a Texas University.


Video Interview

Dr. Mom’s daughter, Kimberly Bloom, had this to say about her Mom “This woman is my living hero, my game changer, a conqueror, and a warrior who won’t give up on hers’!” Pictured below, Kim and Dr. Mom


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“The Nine”

Visit our Feature Page here: to learn more about our Goddess Spotlight Feature, and to find out how you can nominate someone who you think needs to be in the spotlight!

Peace and Love,
BWSU Family:)

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