Black Strap Boot Strapper Porter – Beau’s All Natural Brewing (Crannóg Ales)

By Mike @mikescraftbeer

From Beau's All Natural Brewing in Vankleek Hill Ontario co-operatively brewed with Crannóg Ales of Sorrento BC comes their "Black Strap Boot Strapper Porter". The beer pours a deep chestnut colour with a tan head. The aroma consists of molasses, coffee, chocolate and a sweet finish. The flavour is of molasses, chocolate, ash, roasted malts, plum, burnt coffee resin and mild bitterness. The alcohol content comes in at 5.8% with an IBU of 30. The body was a bit on the thin side but the flavour was right on point!

Commercial Description: Blackstrap Bootstrapper is a classic British-style porter brewed with an addition of fairtrade organic blackstrap molasses. The recipe uses Challenger hops harvested from Left Fields, the certified organic farm on which Crannóg Ales stands, located in the sunny Shuswap region of BC.

Food pairing as per brewery: Beef, oyster and porter pie (British traditional pie), bacon-wrapped scallops on the BBQ, dark chocolate pudding.