Black Mob of 600 Storm Florida Movie Theater

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Black mob1

The Daily Mail reports that at about 8:30 pm on Christmas night, hundreds of President Lucifer’s sons and daughters stormed the Hollywood River City 14 cineplex in Jacksonville, Florida — without paying and without tickets.

The scene turned to chaos when some 600 black teens began fighting and moving through the football field-size parking lot, yelling and jumping on cars. A security guard, who’s an off-duty cop, first pepper-sprayed the mob. Then after being rushed by the mob, she followed protocol and locked the doors to the cinema, then called for police back-up.

More than 60 police officers were called in to curb the melee.

Witness Alecia Williams told the Florida Times-Union she was on her way to the movies with a friend when police turned her around. “I saw a whole bunch of people fighting. I got out of there as fast as I could. I got really scared.”

Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Lauri-Ellen Smith told ABC News that over the course of about 90 minutes, 62 police officers “sequestered and separated” the rioters, with only minor injuries and damage reported.

Tevyn Davis; Jaquade Miller

Five teens were arrested and charged with crimes related to fighting:

  • Tevyn Alonza Davis, 19, was charged with resisting arrest and breach of the peace.
  • Jaquade Marquis Miller, 18, was charged with fighting and resisting arrest.
  • Khalil Ahmad Bradley, 17, the only minor charged with a felony, was arrested for resisting arrest, refusal to disperse and breach of the peace.
  • Two other juveniles, charged with misdemeanor, have not been identified due to their age.

The five were arraigned in court on Dec. 26, 2013.

The judge ordered that Davis be sent to the military immediately after learning the 19-year-old was scheduled to report to U.S. Army basic training on Sunday.

Miller was offered an eight-week program that teaches accountability, in lieu of a proposed $2,500 bail and jail time. His mother Felicia Taylor said, “I’m happy and grateful to see that there are people who stand by you whether you are right or wrong.”

Like you, I have no idea what she meant.

You won’t find in news reports of this incident two things:

  1. That this was a race riot.
  2. That those 600 teens are black.

But of course both you and I can see from the pictures below that they are black.
