Black Man In A Hoodie Stabs Latino 17 Yr Old Girl 11 Times (Video)

Posted on the 05 August 2013 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
By Susan Duclos
Queens resident, Natasha Martinez, was brutally stabbed 11 times last week, by a black man in a white hoodie, yet no outcry from Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, no claim from Barack Obama about how that could have been his daughter and last, but not least, no national wall-to-wall coverage from the mainstream media.
Martinez was walking home from work and right in front of her house, she was jumped and stabbed 11 times. Martinez is now listed in serious condition after doctors had to remove her spleen and take a vein from her leg to implant into her arm.
The man in the hoodie was captured on surveillance video, which was shown locally and is shown in the video below.