Finally, the vocals kick in, in a rap style courtesy of Rugged Month and Chris The Sharpshoota. Being a rap-duo, we were suspecting something more along the lines of rap-veterans Jay-Z and Kanye West but sadly this was not the case. Their performances lack the power needed for the cut-throat industry they have found themselves in and what we have all grown to know and love. They lack the rhythm necessary to accentuate the outstanding, and raw, production from former Red Hot Chilli Peppers guitarist, and Rock & Roll Hall of Fame member, John Frusciante.
Like many others, we were shocked and surprised to see his name to do with this project, but this is somewhat to be expected with his most recent musical outputs. To us we don't quite understand it… we're not sure what he is trying to achieve by abandoning his fans and forgetting his roots in guitar rock. We did, however, appreciate his ethereal backing vocals but can't help but wish he was to the forefront of the music.
Jake & Matthew.