Black Gun Owners Slam Funny Or Die’s ‘Black NRA’ Parody

Posted on the 16 September 2013 by Mikeb302000
Town Hall

In case you missed it, last week Funny or Die produced a video in which comedian Sarah Silverman, among others, facetiously advocated for a black NRA.

What these black gun owners are purposely overlooking is that almost all the guns used by criminals start out the legal property of some lawful gun owner.  Through various means these guns slip into the criminal world.  The NRA is the great champion of the so-called freedoms that allow that gun flow to continue unabated, and naturally the gun manufacturers love it.
Sarah Silverman's video rightly links the NRA with the terrible scourge of black on black gun crime. The NRA, and by extension, all gun-rights supporters, are responsible for the gun availability that is contributing to that national disgrace.
For me, this whole thing was worth it to see Colion get on his soap box with all the exaggerated indignation he could muster. His video was a riot of so many sarcastic references by a wannabe Republican mocking liberals than no one could follow it all. I'm sure this one will get him plenty of attaboys from the real conservatives and hidden racists who love to prove they're not.
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