Black Friday BCBS!

By Jennifer @jbeerdedlady

Alright every one knows that there is no shopping for T.V.’s, toys, or appliances for the bearded lady. ONLY BEER! Ya’ll should also know that Goose Island’s Bourbon County Barrel Stouts will be released!

This Year there will be

The trusty original- which is always a go to stout with its caramel, choco, syrupy goodness!

The ones I haven’t had or remember #UNTAPPEDFESTIVAL

List credit to

Propietor- this year was brewed with chipotle peppers, cocoa nibs, in barrels that stored maple syrup

Coffee- made with Fletcha Roja a roast that blends flavors of fruit, cherry, cocoa and nuts

Barley Wine- tabacco, vanilla, charcoal with a little bit of age. (remember a little of this one)

The Beerded Lady