You know what a grown-up dessert is, don't you? My desserts get that label simply when my kids won't eat them - usually because they aren't sweet enough, or they have nuts or unfamiliar ingredients. (Or booze, but that's captain obvious, right?)
This one is a grown-up dessert. The chocolate is dark, it's rich but light, and the sweetness comes from the whipped cream and cherry sauce. My kids did the " we're gonna act like we like this so we don't hurt your feelings " face and walked away.
My husband and I couldn't get enough.
See? Grown-up dessert.
'Cause you guys - the cherry sauce. The dark chocolate pound cake. The creamy whipped cream. Grown-up cakes are my favorite!
I have to admit that my favorite part is the cherry sauce. It simmered on my stove top and made my whole house smell like magic, and I just couldn't stop tasting. I used tart cherries (mostly because I can't stand sweet cherries unless they are fresh but that's just me I'm sure) and I gotta tell you - the combo of the tart cherries and the dark chocolate was out of this world.
Plus, so pretty. Just look:
And then, you cut a big ol' slice of this rich cake, and the cream kind of intermingles with the cherries, and it's all just so wonderful up in your world for a few minutes.
Until, of course, you eat your whole big piece in about three distinguished bites.
But then things get awesome again because you remember that this a grown-up dessert, you don't have share with your kids.
This is probably one of those recipes that's easier if you make it in stages. The cake takes about an hour to bake, and the cherry sauce has to simmer for a bit and then cool completely. The cherry sauce will keep in the refrigerator for a few days, so you might as well just go make some right now.
It's ok, I'll wait.
Don't eat it all though - you'll kick yourself if you don't save any for the cake. Plus, the cherry sauce isn't deemed a grown-up dessert until you actually put it on this cake, so consider yourself warned. It's not safe in your fridge. Might want to hide it in the back and cover it up with some kale and bean sprouts to be safe.
Not that things work that way in my house. Don't be silly - I'd NEVER hide anything from my kids. Or husband. Never.
I hope you love it. Enjoy!