Black Americans – The Highest Achieving Black Group in Recent History

Posted on the 15 July 2016 by Calvinthedog

Chinedu writes:

Poor Whites are still White. And Blacks from upper-middle class environments are not immune from all the debilitating effects of being Black in America. I know this from personal experience. Some can rise above it, some can’t.

Here’s a natural experiment that will clear this up for you if, indeed, you’re looking for the truth. Compare the test scores of upper middle class Nigerian Americans (born in the USA) to those of poor Whites. If HBD is correct we should see the same pattern. If HBD is incorrect, we won’t.

If these upper class African immigrants in the US are such wonderful people as Chinedu says hey are, then why can’t they fix up their own countries? Chinedu goes on and on about how wonderful Africans are; it’s the African-Americans who are screwed up. Well, be that as it may, perhaps it is true. But if Africans are so much more high achieving that Af-Ams, then why is Africa such an nonredeemable, horrific end of the world shithole?

Compared to Africa, I would say that US Blacks have done quite well for themselves. I had the TV on last night, and there was one very highly intelligent, US Black after another, an endless stream of them. TV anchors, surgeons, medical school professors, journalists, actors, scholars, I mean it went on and on.

I took a friend to court last fall, and there were two Black women there. I thought they were clerks! No doubt due to my subconscious racism – Blacks are sort of dumb, so those women must be clerks – how could they be anything else? Well one of those women turned out to be my friend’s attorney, the Public Defender. The other Black woman was interning in the Public Defender’s office. They had both graduated from Law School and passed the bar! And I saw a Black male attorney in there on that same day.

Sure, US Blacks are screwing up big time, but there is a significant sector of them who are really kicking ass in the US, making good money at prestigious jobs.

And contrary to this racism crap you hear all the time, most governments at any level, most universities, and many large corporations are chomping at the bit salivating for high achieving, well-behaved Blacks. The universities want them in their schools, the governments want them to fill their “goals,” and the corporations often have not only goals but virtually AA quotas (though not defined as such). The demand for high achieving well-behaved Blacks far exceeds the supply.

So in this sense, I believe that US Blacks are actually the most successful Black population on Earth. Now maybe that’s not saying much – look at the competition. Well, ok. But still it is saying something. In spite of Detroit, Chicago and Baltimore, there is another story – the story of the highest achieving Black population in recent history.