Bizarre Cluster Of Babies Born Without Parts Of Skull And Brain - Hanford Or Fukushima? (Video)

Posted on the 18 February 2014 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos

By Susan Duclos

Health experts are dumbfounded over a bizarre cluster of birth defects in a three-county area in Yakima, Washington, where babies are born anencephaly, meaning with missing parts of the skulls and brains. As of January 2013, the CDC has documented nearly two dozen cases in three years. 

In a video below we will see that many think these defects, which are reportedly happening at four times the national average, are being caused by the radiation coming from Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, which suffered multiple meltdowns in 2011.

While it is essential to watch what is happening at Fukushima, because of the global ramifications of the devastation, and messy incompetent clean-up to date, these birth defects by the cluster could very well be from our own backyard.

A year ago where in Hanford, Washington, reports were issued about the radioactive leak at Hanford nuclear site and being "more extensive" than previously thought.

According to MapQuest, Handford and Yakima are approximately 75 miles apart. A heck of a lot closer than Fukushima.

Cross posted at Before It's News