Bishop T.D. Jakes MegaCare Sending Supplies To Victims Of Hurricane Harvey

By Firstladyb


Bishop T.D. Jakes philanthropic ministry, MegaCare is sending supplies to all who have been  affected by Hurricane Harvey in the Houston and surrounding areas.

We are continuing to pray for all those impacted by Hurricane Harvey. We have connected with the city of Dallas and our nonprofit partners to determine the best way we can help the many people who have been impacted by this terrible storm. We’re told the greatest need right now is for essential supplies. We are working with all of our church locations to collect these critically-needed supplies with plans to send them to people in the Houston area as quickly as possible, Bishop T.D. Jakes of the Potters House Dallas said.

Thank you to all those who continue to support MegaCare(@megacareorg) our philanthropic ministry which continues to serve God by serving His children. Currently what appears to be the greatest need is the supplies we are sending to those who are in the areas of need. If you're not near a Potter's House location, you can join at this link- The old adage is true, it's better to light a candle than to scream at the darkness! Thanks partners for helping us shed light! #HoustonStrong #HarveySupport

A post shared by TD Jakes (@bishopjakes) on Aug 30, 2017 at 6:30pm PDT