Bishop Joseph Walker Using Social Media To Reach The Lost

By Firstladyb

FirstLadyB | Connecting Faith and Hollywood

Bishop Joseph Walker and his New Mt. Zion church, recently teamed up with Facebook to connect young adults and the faith based community.

In 1992, Bishop Walker became the pastor of Mount Zion Baptist Church in Nashville, Tennessee with 175 members.  Then in 2013, Bishop Walker starting using Periscope to reach more people.  He immediately had 100,000 followers.  “I was bringing the Gospel to them,” he says.  “The biggest challenge in church is getting people connected.”   One third of his church’s support comes through these “digital disciples.”


Bishop Walker is deeply concerned about America’s youth and young adults.  That’s part of what drives his ministry’s social media outreach.  The church buses in students from eight nearby universities.  “We tell them they have a contribution to make to the kingdom,” he says.

During an interview on the 700 Club, Bishop Walker shared how social media sites like Facebook have given him the platform to reach the lost.

“Jesus called us to go into the whole world and Facebook has given us that platform to be able to create groups where you can have meaningful conversations, to find out where people are hurting, to really craft ministry to meet people where they are,” Bishop Walker said.

Check out Bishop Walker’s full interview, where he discuss  his latest book No Opportunity Wasted.