BIRTHH’s Single ‘Chlorine’ Is Hypnotic and Haunting [Premiere]

Posted on the 23 February 2016 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

It’s always amazing to get that first taste of a brand new artist that you know has the potential to be huge. BIRTHH, the new project from 19-year-old Italian Alice Bisi, is definitely one of those artists, and her first single “Chlorine” pushes the boundaries of indie pop to swim in the depths of emotional and dark-hearted lyricism. We’re excited to premiere this track off of her upcoming debut album Born In The Woods, which is out March 18th on We Were Never Being Boring Collective.

If you’ve been missing The xx or London Grammar, as they’ve laid low during their respective musical hiatuses, then BIRTHH will certainly be able to fill that void and add some extra contemporary sparkle. Sparkling, finger-picked guitar pierces through burbling basslines as throaty vocals tell a visceral tale of love gone wrong: “I’d rather fall into the void / than cling to your lips.” Drums rise up from the deep to surround the song in tribal intensity, and it all comes to a gorgeous, oceanic climax. If this is just the beginning, we can’t wait to see the full birth of BIRTHH. Listen to the track above, and learn more about the song from Alice Bisi below!

“Chlorine is perhaps the darkest song I’ve ever written. I felt like certain thoughts I had in my mind needed to be represented in the most corporeal way I could think of and I liked the idea of intertwining such heavy and raw images with pop layers that gradually build to a climax. Physical pain is something incredibly familiar to the human brain and I felt the need to employ it to portray a more complex kind of suffering, something that is there but that you can’t quite identify.”