Birthday Cake Dessert Dip Recipe

By Jessicanunemaker @JessNunemaker
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Birthday Cake Dessert Dip Recipe

Festive and fun, this pale Birthday Cake Dessert dip recipe with brilliant pops of color looks as great as it tastes!

Not just for kids, adults are eager to gobble this excellent dessert dip recipe up with a Vanilla wafer or graham cracker. I wonder if pretzels would be any good?

So fast to put together, this Birthday Cake Dessert Dip is an easy ending to any meal. From Leenee’s Sweetest Delights blog.

Birthday Cake Dessert Dip

Print Birthday Cake Dessert Dip

Rating: 51

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 5 minutes

Serving Size: 6 - 8

From Leenee's Sweetest Delights blog.

I did not add additional sprinkles to the top of the dip but you are welcome to add that garnish before serving.


  • 1/2 Cup Butter, Melted and Cooled
  • 1 (8-ounce) Package Cream Cheese, Softened
  • 1/2 Cup Powdered Sugar
  • 1 cup Funfetti Cake Mix
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  • 1 Tablespoon Sprinkles


  1. Melt Butter and set aside.
  2. Beat together Cream Cheese, Powdered Sugar, and Cake Mix. Mix well.
  3. Add in Vanilla Extract and cooled Butter. Combine well.
  4. Chill for a few hours or overnight.
  5. Serve with graham crackers or vanilla wafers.
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