That being said, I don't know of anyone who avoided getting pregnant because of money.
FROM NBC: The U.S. birth rate has dropped four percent from 2007 -- the steepest decline in more than thirty years. The number of women having babies fell for all age groups under forty -- with some of the largest decreases seen among those in their peak childbearing years.
And the birth rate dropped for all races -- but was especially significant among Hispanic women. Experts loosely blame the poor economy for the decline, but say it is impossible to determine based on this data alone.
More families chose not to have second and third children -- which experts say could be because of financial factors. The birth rate for women over age forty increased. The researchers say the economy and war have been two of the biggest influences on birth rate historically. The number of births in the United States reached an all-time high of 4,316,233 in 2007, and has dropped ever since.