Birmingham's Northern Quarter

By Josephharrison1990 @JTAH_1990

Discovering the delights of Birmingham has been an absolute pleasure over the last four months, from theatre's to canals I wanted to seek a bit of history this time. Birmingham's Northern Quarter happened to be my next point of discovery. I've been to Southside, Westside and Eastside so Northern Quarter show me what you've got! Fancy searching for diamonds in the 'Jewelery Quarter?' Step back in time in the 'Gun Quarter' or catching the train or metro from Birmingham's 'Snow Hill Station?' Birmingham's Northern Quarter has it all! 

Diamonds are Forever! Come to Birmingham's Jewelery Quarter to capture your own bit of sparkle! I had only seen the Jewelery Quarter on Central News and as I have passed through on the Metro to Birmingham Snow Hill. Captured to the left is one of the many jewelers that cater for the wedding market, I did see several young couples frequenting the many jewelers that make up the Jewelery Quarter upon my visit. Education is the key because the Jewelery Quarter is home to its very university campus, part of the 'University of Birmingham' this learning center trains and educates future jewelers, fashion designers. If I ever get hitched I will outshine you boo!!!

Situated a few minutes walk north from the NIA is the Jewelery Quarter, the streets are really paved with gold here in Birmingham's Northern Quarter! This section of the Northern Quarter has been an integral part of Birmingham's industry, fortunately this industry has lasted against the test of time and the struggles British industry has faced over recent years. Jewelery shops old and new stand by each other, but its easy to see that time hasn't been easy to this side of town.

Welcome to the Gun Quarter, another historic addition to Birmingham's wider Northern Quarter. I only visited this side of the Northern Quarter yesterday so my knowledge is fresh, but saying that I don't use a guidebook so my facts might not be 100% This corner of Birmingham's Northern Quarter was a powerhouse for the production of guns, a taboo subject in today's world. Gun's made Birmingham rich, that's a fact. I found the Gun Quarter to be charming in one respect, it was full of stories of the past and I only walked down Price Street.

Captured to the right is The Bull, a tavern that played a large part in the operating of the Gun Quarter. Gunsmiths were paid their wages from this tavern, well circa 1800 that was. Birmingham surpassed London in the gun-making stakes, now we all like to hear that the second city was riding high compared to London. Nowadays, the laws to do with guns and gun-making has changed significantly intern affecting the lifeblood of this area. It has been said that Birmingham's Northern Quarter will benefit from investment, with funding and development from Birmingham's Big City Plan. Let us be the judge of that, shall we?

Birmingham's Northern Quarter is paving the way for business and growth, leading developments such as the Colmore Row Business District. Each time I pass through this part of Birmingham's inner city I am amazed at the changing surroundings, for the Colmore Row area of town has been transformed into a hype of activity. Businesses and corporations are choosing Birmingham to set up base. Snowhill, a new development has changed the vista of the Northern Quarter, bringing investment and commerce to this side of the city. One Snowhill, a further development has become the newest part of the Colmore Row Business District. Business is looking bright for Birmingham's Northern Quarter! 

The future is looking bright for the Colmore Row Business District, for the developments that Birmingham's Northern Quarter have received within this sector are amazing! A possible new hotel and spa could be built within the business district, hailing from the United States of America is the hotel brand Westin/Starwood Resorts. This new luxury hotel would be able to accommodate business delegates from all over the world, giving them a high standard of hotel in the Northern Quarter, I reckon the nearby Hotel Du Vin could have a few words to say about that?! Regenerating is the key for some aspects of the Northern Quarter but within this instance the prospect of new build projects seems more exciting! 

Snow Hill Station connects Birmingham's Northern Quarter with the wider West Midlands region and London. Birmingham Snow Hill Station first opened back in 1852, whilst the grandeur of steam rail boomed with the Great Western Railway franchise. The glory days lasted for some time until 1967 saw the closure of the Northern Quarter. Services slowly started to begin from this station again in 1987 leading the rebirth of Birmingham's Northern Quarter. Did I mention that Jewelery Quarter could shine even brighter than before? Trains could now stop at Jewelery Quarter's very own train station! 

Times are changing for Birmingham Snow Hill Station, 1995 brought the announcement that the all new Midland Metro would be making the station its terminus for Birmingham. When I go home during holidays and the for the odd weekend I always use the Midland Metro from Birmingham Snow Hill because its convenient to reach the town of Bilston. As we go about our business now a new dawn is breaking for the Midland Metro network which will soon span from Wolverhampton St.Georges to Birmingham New Street Station, the new extension will take the metros through the streets of Birmingham to its new terminus. 2015 will be the time-frame for the new extension, I do hope that Snow Hill Station is ready for this movement. I do think its great to see this train station flourish and keep transporting people around the region. 

The Northern Quarter Rocks !!! Diamonds Are Forever !!! Midland Metro Is Moving !!!
Joseph Harrison