Bird Houses With A Sense Of Humor: For The Birds

By Petslady @petslady

San Francisco woodworker Luke Bartels and artist and sign painter Jeff Canham have designed and created some really clever bird houses for an upcoming show called For The Birds.  Despite how the magnified images look, bird house components are really small, as is the sign painting for them.  But do look... they are so precious!

Canham is not just a sign painter, but a humorist, as well... like "Jail Brids" bail bond house. 'When things go south, call us!"

For The Birds, bird houses by Luke Bartels & Jeff Canham: via myloveforyou.typepad.comFor The Birds, bird houses by Luke Bartels & Jeff Canham: via

 For The Birds, in various stages of development: by Luke Bartels & Jeff Canham via myloveforyou.typepad.comFor The Birds, in various stages of development: by Luke Bartels & Jeff Canham via

 Individual pieces used on the bird houses: by Luke Bartels & Jeff Canham via myloveforyou.typepad.comIndividual pieces used on the bird houses: by Luke Bartels & Jeff Canham via

Printing signs For The Birds must be taxing...: by Luke Bartels & Jeff Canham via myloveforyou.typepad.comPrinting signs For The Birds must be taxing...: by Luke Bartels & Jeff Canham via

This perspective photo gives a good idea of the bird houses' true size.

Perspective view of 'Seedy's Liquors': by Luke Bartels & Jeff Canham via

 For The Birds will be showing at The Curiousity Shoppe in April. Lucky, you'll be able to see them online!

Sources:  MyLoveForYour, Luke Bartels, Jeff Canham