Bipartisanship Is Dead In This Congress - And That's OK

Posted on the 07 April 2021 by Jobsanger
When President Biden was elected, he called for bipartisanship to solve the country's problems. And in the spirit of bipartisanship, the first group from Congress invited to the White House was a group of Republicans. President Biden wanted their help to pass a COVID relief bill -- to stimulate the economy and help hurting Americans.

He did not get that help from Republicans. They made it clear that their version of "bipartisanship" involved nothing less than Democrats surrendering to Republican demands. There would be no negotiating. It was the GOP way or no way at all.

The bill was passed, but without any Republican help. And Republicans didn't stop there. They have made it clear they won't negotiate on any bill Democrats (and President Biden) want to pass.

To be blunt -- bipartisanship is dead in the 117th Congress. The Republicans have killed any chance for it. So, what can President Biden and the Democrats do?

Here's a novel concept -- do what a clear majority of the American people want done. Let the Republicans oppose that at their own peril. And when the 2022 elections roll around, remind voters endlessly of which party supported their wishes and which party opposed them'

What does a clear majority of Americans want? Here are a few things:

* A majority wants the minimum wage raised to a livable wage.

* A majority wants the rich and corporations to pay their fair share of taxes.

* A majority wants all Americans to have decent health insurance (and a public option covering those who can't afford private insurance is supported by most).

* A majority wants all gun buyers to have to pass a background check.

* A majority want voting made easier for citizens -- not harder.

* A majority wants DACA "dreamers" protected and offered a path to citizenship.

These are just a few of the things that the American public would like for the government to accomplish. And Democrats should do their best to get them done. Let the Republicans oppose these things if they want. The public will support them -- and punish Republicans for opposing them.

Maybe bipartisanship can be re-established in a future Congress. I hope so. But for now, it is dead. Just do what the public wants done and don't worry about it.