Biodynamic Farming - Rudolph Steiner - Chemical Free Farming

Posted on the 18 February 2013 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
Biodynamic Farming - Rudolph Steiner - chemical free farmingBIODYNAMIC FARMING seems to be a reversion to ancient esoteric practices: respecting the seasons and the electromagnetic influence of the earth, the moon and the stars!
As far back as the 1920s, farmers were becoming concerned that artificial (chemical) fertlisers were detrimental to both the animals, their produce and their grazing/watering sources. Along came Austrian philosopher Rudolph Steiner who suggested a more holistic approach to fertilisers, planting cow-dung filled cow horns in earth for six months to transform the dung into natural fertiliser which could then be diluted in water and sprayed upon land/plants.
Preparation 500—made from cow manure buried in the earth to soak up energy—is mixed in tiny amounts into water, then sprayed on soil in early spring to promote root growth. "It helps the earth hold nutrients, air, and water and give them to the young plants,” Mead says. "We see more consistent growth—instead of some seedlings and transplants doing well, virtually all do well.”

Preparation 501—made from quartz crystals ground to a fine powder called silica—is sprayed later in spring and summer, to help leaves take in sunlight. "It’s beautiful in the garden when silica is sprayed,” says Mead. "We usually spray in early morning. The rising sun shines through the mist. And the plants and trees seem to lift themselves up a little bit higher afterward.” Silica helps plants absorb light more effectively, biodynamic practitioners say, resulting in produce with a higher nutrient content. [source EARTH HAVEN]

If you can watch it in your territory, follow this link to COUNTRYFILE's feature on Biodynamic Farming.