Biodiversity Photo of the Day: Gulo Gulo

Posted on the 12 February 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

A wolverine (Gulo gulo)

The wolverine, the largest land-dwelling species in the mustelid family, is famous for its daring and tenacity — it’s been known to prey on animals as big as moose, and many stories tell of mountain lions, bears and wolves retreating from their kills at a wolverine’s approach. Unfortunately, in the contiguous United States, this tough scavenger-predator is barely holding on. Trapping and habitat loss have been dramatically shrinking its populations for more than a century, and now it’s faced with new human threats like snowmobiles tearing through its habitat and, worse, global warming threatening the deep snow it relies on for life activities from traveling to denning and raising kits.

Photo by Joel Sartore:

Photo by Joel Sartore: