Bingocams Live Win Moment

By Thindes78

Whilst at college I worked in a bingo hall, and when I look back at my job and I only have happy memories. Bingo is more than playing and winning, it is about the community.  Many people play Bingo for the social aspect, and the community spirit. Yes, they love the game, and love winning, but it is so much more than that. They go for the chatter and of course, to catch up on the gossip, thus, it is a friendly environment - one big community.

The big difference with online bingo is, you miss the face to face social aspect - well until then that all changed for the online bingo game.
Bingocams is a bingo community where you play live, hopefully, win and you get to meet people; and you get to experience people winning - all via the webcam. 

It is a pretty fun experience!

When a  player wins, their webcam captures the moment of joy and celebration and the short video is immediately streamed to all other players in the room. 

As well as playing Bingo, you can link up with a few fellow players in a private webcam chat whilst playing the game together. Bingocams brings back the essential social element that bingo is so renowned for:  the chatter, the gossip, and the environment.