The ministry of Billy Graham has been very influential in my life. I had a very low opinion of televangelists. But I remember the priest at the Anglican church I attended speaking highly of Billy Graham. That surprised me. So when I was flipping through the channels one night and saw a Billy Graham crusade on TV, I was willing to give him a hearing. I was still skeptical and kept waiting for the big plea for money. But it never came. All there was in that program was a clear presentation of the Gospel. I kept watching Billy Graham crusades on TV. However, I started to have this strange feeling when he would give his altar call. It got so bad that I would listen to his sermon and then shut off the TV before the altar call. Eventually, I gave in and contacted the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and they mailed me a package on how to know Jesus.
I have never had the opportunity to hear Billy Graham in person. I attended one of his crusades in Toronto but discovered that he was sick and that they had a guest speaker instead. Still, as a pastor I have appreciated his ministry, his simple message and especially his integrity.
My review copy was courtesy of Simon & Schuster Canada