Bill O’Reilly Has Some (Unintentionally) Funny Ideas About Business

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

On last night’s “Talking Points” segment of his show, Bill O’Reilly explained recent Trump protests using the following two “points”:

  • George Soros, a “radical,” contributed to the protests through
  • Donald Trump is just talking like a businessman. He has to tone down his “business” world talk and talk more like a politician to win the general election.

Since we’re all about helping media talking heads, we have:

3 Talking Points We Suggest For Bill O’Reilly

  1. “I think that one of the 30th richest people is a ‘radical.’ If a poorer billionaire like Trump says a bunch of offensive stuff – that’s totally not ‘radical.’ Why? Because this is the ‘No Spin Zone,’ meaning I never use a dryer, and my air-dried pants and underwear are too tight, leading to nonsensical comments.”
  2. “Trump talks like a businessman. In the business world everyone insults everyone. That’s how business gets done on my show, so that’s how business works everywhere. Case closed!”
  3. “Now that we settled that I am an authority on billionaires and how business works, how would you like to invest in my new earplug business. It’s perfect for people who want some logical quiet while my show is playing on airport TVs.”