Bill Gates’ Foundation Funds Permanent Contraception for Third World

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Bill Gates is the multi-billionaire founder of Microsoft, whose net worth is estimated to be a mind-boggling $79.1 billion.

Via his eponymous foundation, Gates is also famous for his philanthropy, a word that the dictionary defines as “the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.” Gates’ idea of “good causes” is the reduction of the population of the world, in particular of the Third World, by hook or by crook.

In 2014, news came that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is funding the development of a contraceptive microchip that can be remotely controlled to release hormones that can act as abortifacients — drugs that induce abortion — into a woman’s body for up to 16 years.

Not content with that, the Gates Foundation is now funding the development of a permanent contraception.

Bill Gates (l) and Jens “666”Stoltenberg (r)

Note: Jens Stoltenberg is secretary general of NATO. For the “666” allusion, see “Another Candidate for the Beast.”

Lisa Bourne reports for LifeSiteNews, May 15, 2015, that a new sterilization drug for women will likely be developed and promoted worldwide thanks to a large donation from Bill and Melinda Gates.

Last October, the Gates Foundation gave Oregon gynecologist Jeffrey Jensen $5 million in grant money to develop nonsurgical “permanent contraception.”

Jeffrey Jensen

Jensen, a gynecologist who’s also a professor at Oregon Health & Science University, said it’s all about putting a stop to unplanned and unwanted pregnancies. “My goal is very simple: to make every pregnancy planned and highly desired,” Jensen said in a report from the Portland Business Journal. He cited a study that he said showed 50 percent of Ugandan women no longer wish to become pregnant, but only two percent have access to “permanent contraception.”

Jensen and his associates have been researching an approach on rhesus monkeys and baboons which uses polidocanol foam, an FDA-approved treatment for varicose veins, which bypasses the cumbersome and lengthy regulatory process. If they are successful the next step will be human trials.

Jensen is working in partnership with Dr. Ov Slayden and Slayden’s team at the Oregon National Primate Research Center (ONPRC), and they have established the Oregon Permanent Contraception Research Center (OPERM).

OPERM will supply grant funding, scientific expertise, a “nonhuman primate animal resource,” lab and procedural infrastructure, and administrative support to chosen investigators for assessing new nonsurgical contraceptive techniques, according to the Oregon University Health and Science website.

This latest multi-million-dollar Gates grant to prevent women from bearing children is just one in a lengthy list. Support for population control from Bill and Melinda Gates, under the guise of philanthropy, goes back year.

The news of the Gates Foundation’s funding for a permanent contraception has drawn condemnation from pro-lifers who warn of eugenics concerns.

Human Life International’s Stephen Phelan said the Gates Foundation’s obsessive focus on promoting contraception in the third world is based upon a faulty notion of what constitutes authentic ‘development,’ as well as highly suspect data about the actual desire for such contraception. “It is difficult to determine what is more outrageous,” Phelan told LifeSiteNews, “the uncritical and fawning ‘news’ reporting on every new Gates Foundation sterilization development grant even as coercive sterilization campaigns continue around the world, or the fact that the Gates Foundation continues to act as if every problem in the developing world can be solved by sterilizing women.”

Phelan also disputed the oft-cited claims that hundreds of millions of women in developing countries desire artificial birth control: “To simply repeat the claims of population control organizations, including the absolutely baseless claim that what 200 million poor women of color want most is the ability to stop becoming pregnant (where exactly did this statistic originate – let’s see the data) is reckless and irresponsible.”

Phelan also questions why foundations like Bill Gates’ focus their philanthropic efforts on population control when “what these women always say they want most when asked is better basic healthcare, education, opportunity, and just governance.”

See also “Warren Buffet gives $millions for abortions.”
