Bilderberg 2012: Protesters Vs New World Order

Posted on the 01 June 2012 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
Russia Today AGAIN feature an anti-Bilderberg piece, this time focussing on the crowds that have gathered outside the Virginia Marriot Hotel in Chantilly VA to PROTEST.
Around 150 of the world's elite approached the grounds of a suburban Virginia hotel on Thursday for the first day of the 2012 Bilderberg Conference, but also on hand were throngs of protesters who gathered to opposed the top-secret gathering. Journalists and critics of the annual clandestine conference stationed themselves outside of a Chantilly, Virginia Marriott hotel near Washington, DC early Thursday to catch a glimpse of the government officials, entrepreneurs and other assorted members of the privileged elite who had gathered for this year's event. [source RT]

It's good that AT LEAST ONE mainstream media outlet is covering this, but it all looks so futile. Most people are ASLEEP to this sort of tyranny. By Design.