Bigfoot News Super Duper Ultra Edition February 17, 2012 Part 2

Posted on the 18 February 2014 by Calvinthedog

Owner of Hank, name of museum presenting press conference where Hank will reside after tout and name of woman presenting press conference all named! Spectacular news! I was supposed to keep this quiet until right before the presser, but I have had it with Rick Dyer so I am going to release this top secret information now.Reason: Rick is continuing to try to kill Sasquatches for no good reason.

He shot at several Sasquatches last night at a habituation site and may have wounded one of them. I cannot believe that the folks behind the press conference and Hank’s owner are allowing him to run amok like this. I also cannot believe that the scientists who studied this creature are allowing Rick to run amok like this.

Therefore, I am going to light a fire under all of these people’s asses in order to try to jump start this press conference. If they call for it in the next week or so, Rick will be mandated to come back to Los Angeles for the press conference. It’s the only way I can think of to stop this maniac.

Where will the Hank press conference be held? This is uncertain, but it will probably be held in Los Angeles, California.

When will it be held? This is also unknown, but it may be held in March if we are lucky, but really no one knows.

What is the name of the large California museum that will be presenting the Hank press conference? The Museum of Natural History in Los Angeles, California.

The Museum of Natural History in Los Angeles, California, will house the first Bigfoot known to mankind and proven by science. The Bigfoot Mystery is over!

Will Hank be going to this museum after Rick’s tour for people and scientists to study for all of time? Yes.

What is the name of the owner of Hank? His name is Edward P. Roski, Jr. He is a billionaire philanthropist and real estate developer from Los Angeles, California who also owns a casino in Las Vegas.

Edward Roski, owner of Hank the Bigfoot.

What is the connection between Roski and the museum above? Roski got the government to release Hank into Roski’s hands when Roski gave an assurance that Hank would go as a proper museum display and not some huckster’s sideshow gaffe. Also, Roski sits on the board of the Museum of Natural History in Los Angeles.

What is the name of the female PhD who will be presenting the press conference? Her name is Dr. Jane Pisano, and she is a well-known figure in Los Angeles.

Dr. Jane Pisano, PhD, will resolve the Bigfoot Mystery once and for all time shortly.

What is the connection between Pisano and the museum above? Pisano sits on the board of the museum along with Roski, and she may even be the head of the museum at the moment.

Will Ms. Pisano be angry that I am releasing this information? She has a terrible temper and she will be screaming furious, but  that is too bad. She should not have let Rick run amok like this. It’s her fault.

Where is the museum located? It is located in downtown Los Angeles, just south and in walking distance of the University of California (USC) where I went to school.

Will Pisano answer any emails or phone calls about this matter? She did not return my phone  call and various people have emailed her but she did not respond to any of them. You will not be able to get her to confirm, deny or comment on this matter.

Will Roski answer any emails or phone  calls about this matter? No doubt Mr.Roski is a difficult fellow to  get a hold of. Even if you can email or phone him, I doubt if he will talk about this matter with you. It  will probably be impossible to get him to confirm, deny or comment on this matter.

How much money will Rick Dyer receive from Mr.Roski at the end of Rick’s tour? Rick will receive a sum of $14 million from Mr. Roski, and the body will revert back to Roski’s possession.

Can I learn more about Mr. Roski and Ms. Pisano by Googling them on the Net? You most certainly can, as there have been many media pieces written about them. Roski is even in Wikipedia.

Does Rick Dyer have an attorney? Indeed, Rick Dyer does have an attorney.

Who is his attorney? Rick’s attorney is a female lawyer who resides in Los Angeles.

Will my revelations about these top secret matters foul anyone’s plans or screw up the reveal of Hank? I doubt it.

Will the reveal of Hank as proven by modern science end the Bigfoot mystery once and for all? If it takes place, it most certainly solve one of the strangest mysteries of our lifetime. The Bigfoot mystery will be over!

Is this the story of the century so far? It most certainly is. And everyone who is reading this post is right in the middle of it!

Has the government known about Bigfoot for some time now? Clearly.

For how long? Obviously a good 50 years or maybe longer.

What have they done about it? There has been a massive coverup on the part of the state about this matter which is considered a national security matter and therefore top secret. Bigfoots have been regularly killed with guns, cars and falling trees in the last 50 years, and they have been found dead. In every case, the government came to take the bodies.Men in black vans of black helicopters dressed in all black typically came. People snicker at MIB’s, but the truth is that black vans, black helicopter and black uniforms are all used by US military intelligence. So for the coverup, look to the Pentagon.

Why don’t we find any Bigfoot bodies or bones? We do find the bodies, but the government body snatchers always come and grab them. Anyway, Bigfoots bury their dead. Nevertheless, Bigfoot bones do exist in university anthropology departments, museums and archeological digs, but they are all labeled “American Indian.”

How could a Bigfoot bone or skeleton be labeled “Indian?” Bigfoots are in the genus Homo so their skeletons look more or less human, only large. Bigfoot skulls look more or less human too, although they do look rather odd. However, there is tremendous variation in Homo sapiens skulls and many H.s.s. skulls look pretty strange. Anyway, by default, all ancient Homo skulls, bones and whatnot found in the Americas are automatically labeled “American Indian” as it is assumed that were the only Homo tribe residing on the continent since time immemorial.

Where do Bigfoots live? In heavily forested lands all across North America.

Can they breed with humans? Yes they can and the offspring are viable.

What are Bigfoots? The Hank DNA lines up with Dr. Melba Ketchum’s findings, proving again that Bigfoots are an early human hybrid, one half Homo sapiens and one half an unknown relict hominid.

How do Bigfoots live? In small family groups.

Why don’t we see them? They are mostly nocturnal and live in the woods. Even when they are around all the time,  you almost never see one. They see you coming long before you see them, and they get out of the way. They are experts and masters of camouflage.

With all these cell phones and trail cams out now, why can’t we get photos and videos of Bigfoots? In fact, trail cams and cellphones are providing us with much fine film of Bigfoots.

Are they dangerous? Most of them are ok, but maybe 1% are described as “pure evil.” Sort of like humans, eh?

Do Bigfoots talk? Do they have a language? Yes they have some sort of a primitive language, and they can mimic human speech. However, when they talk, they end up sounding like Yoda from Star Wars. They appear to be able to communicate with each other well and they appear to have some sort of a primitive culture.

Where do they live? Often in caves underground.

Why don’t they use fire? Some say they know fire, but they are smart enough not to use it as it would give away their presence to us.

Are Bigfoots apes? Absolutely not, they are people.

Do Bigfoots have art? They seem to have primitive art using sticks and piles of rocks.

Do any Bigfoots like people? They are most comfortable around women, small children and people with disabilities.

How strong are Bigfoots? About 10-15 X stronger than a human.

Give an example of their strength? Well let us put it this way. They can grab your head and twist it right off your neck!

What do they eat? Omnivorous, like us.

Why has it taken us so long to discover them? We are arrogant Western jerks who snobbishly refused to listen to indigenous people. If we had listened to the Indians, this matter would have been settled long ago.

Why do Bigfoots smell bad? Unknown.

Do Bigfoots ever kill Homo sapiens, people, us? They may well do that from time to time, but nevertheless, they are mostly all bark and no bite.

Do Bigfoots have psi capabilities? Apparently. They use infrasound to “zap” hostile beings or prey and it is often said that they can read minds somehow.

Can Bigfoots live near cities? We are witnessing more and more now the phenomenon known as the “urban Bigfoot.”

Are Bigfoots adaptable? Exceedingly so. As much as raccoons or coyotes.

Will protection of Bigfoots lock up a lot of natural resources? Doubtful. They exist well with modern forestry, oil and gas drilling, farming, even roads and homes.