Bigfoot News October 7, 2013

Posted on the 08 October 2013 by Calvinthedog

Dr. Brian Sykes positive Bigfoot DNA findings apparently confirmed. This fascinating post listing the major new books on rights agents hotlists has, in the 6th paragraph, this very interesting report about the Sykes study:

Luigi Bonomi Associates is bringing Karen Swan’s Christmas at Claridges, a tale set in London and Italy, with UK and Commonwealth rights sold to Macmillan. Sarah Skye’s Code Red Lipstick follows a teenage model-turned-spy investigating her father’s death, with world rights signed by Scholastic.

In non-fiction, former Capitol Hill press secretary Ion Valaskis examine how mistakes inform us in The Magnificent Mistake, on submission. End Game: Tipping Point for Planet Earth by Professor Tony Barnosky looks at our failing environment, with HarperCollins signing UK rights. Professor Bryan Sykes’ The Yeti Enigma explores the yeti myth, with his surprising findings now on submission.

Note the underlined text. The book, The Yeti Enigma, should be coming out soon. The show, the name of which we do not know, is scheduled to air in three parts on the BBC towards the end of 2013. One of my sources confirmed this in a phone call to the channel that is airing the show.

A surprising finding now on submission can only mean one thing. Sykes has discovered the Bigfoots or Yetis actually exist. Discovering that they do not exist would hardly be surprising. Only a positive finding would be described as surprising. This is of course exactly what I have been reporting for a week or so now – a positive finding on Bigfoot DNA from Sykes.

The shameful Todd Disotell. Todd Disotell is a geneticist who firmly insists that there is no such thing as Bigfoots, Yetis or any other relict hominids, or any cryptids at all, for that matter. He has been examining samples purportedly from such cryptids for some time now, and of course he always gets exactly the result he expects: that they do not exist. This is because Todd does science backwards. He begins with a conclusion “There is no such thing as Bigfoot.” Then he tests his “Bigfoot” sample and of course he ends up with exactly the finding that he wanted to get. He is actually working backwards! Instead of ending with a conclusion, he begins with one. I am sure that makes things so much easier!

Here is some information from Dr. Melba Ketchum about how Todd was given some excellent samples from Matilda the Bigfoot at the Adrian Erickson’s Kentucky site. Todd was sent some blood from Matilda and got human MtDNA in the result, so he assumed it was contaminated with human DNA. However, the sample was completely pure with no contamination at all.

After getting his finding, he threw the rest of the sample away! Adrian Erickson furious at this clown. Luckily, Adrian kept back some of his sample and was able to test it with other labs. Can you believe that this idiot commands high prices for regular TV appearances as an “expert?” I don’t either. I think Todd ought to change his name to Fraud. All hail Fraud Disotell! Via Ketchum:

To clarify: I do not know T.(redacted) Disotell. When Adrian Erickson came to our project, he told me that he had sent an aliquot of the red Sasquatch’s blood to Disotell for testing. AE has results and correspondence as proof. He was extremely upset because Disotell had destroyed the sample. Disotell got human mitochondrial DNA sequence when he tested the sample and didn’t believe that it came from a Sasquatch. He told the PhD on Erickson’s staff that somebody must have hoaxed it.

He said this in spite of the fact that the study was well monitored by Dennis Pfohl who is extremely credible was in control of the food trap start to finish. If it was hoaxed, our genetic testing showed the suspect would be a red headed female, which obviously Dennis is not. In addition, the whole genome SNP testing excluded this individual (the red headed female) as being 100% human with results close to 20% below the human threshold.

After Disotell destroyed the DNA (Mr. Erickson’s staff had requested the remaining sample be returned), another aliquot that had been retained by Erickson was sent to Paleo Labs in Canada. They also obtained human results on the mitochondrial DNA. Finally, AE sent the remainder of the DNA to our study and had Paleo Labs send what they had left also. Our lab also obtained human mitochondrial sequence. These were all independent tests using different laboratories.

We then began testing the sample using several platforms to obtain nuclear DNA sequences and profiles. This sample like all of the other samples in the study yielded human sequence as well as unknown sequence. Disotell specializes in evolution using mitochondrial DNA. He is not qualified to comment on the genomics or other disciplines in this study.

Like he said on the Joe Rogan show, our project used “some of the latest cutting edge science” that he is not expert on–he admits “I can’t follow 3/4 of that paper.” The raw data for this paper continues to be available as separate files with the manuscript. He is a perfect example of the scientific bias we have faced.

Photos of findings from the Ketchum project. Here are some photos of hairs and a tree structure that revealed an excellent hair source. These photos were presented at the recent news conference.

Hair analysis of hairs used in the Ketchum project.

Photo of tree structure that revealed Bigfoot hairs in Ketchum’s project.

Ketchum’s peer review. It does appear that Ketchum underwent some sort of a peer review at a journal called JAMEZ. The documents have been posted online, and they do appear to be genuine. Here is more: some correspondence between Ketchum and the journal.

Peer review correspondence between Ketchum and the JAMEZ journal.

The Ketchum haters have long screamed that the paper never passed peer review. Once again they are proven wrong. So much of what they screamed about her has turned out to be not true. Ketchum is a Machiavellian Dark Triad type individual and I would personally trust her about as far as I could throw her. If you get involved with her business or project wise, she will probably screw you and back-stab you at some point. But a vast number of Bigfooters, especially the higher echelons, are Dark Triad types. She is what she is, and they are what they are. Anyway, this is science, not a popularity contest.

I think Melba’s science is probably pretty good. She has been ripped into a thousand pieces over her science, and it is simply disgusting and shameful what has been done to this woman. It turns my stomach to think of it.

New Erickson Project videos released; Erickson Project website back up. Sasquatch The Quest, the EP site, is now back up. It looks pretty nice but it fails pretty badly in my browser, which is Firefox 22.0 What is it, an IE-only site? Very unprofessional. However, I must say that his site looks better than Ketchum’s unprofessional catastrophes of websites (she has had several, all horrible) and especially Rick Dyer’s nightmarishly bad websites.

The first video has some interesting footage of Bigfoots and the different colors they come in. One shot shows an absolutely huge creature.

The second shows the very controversial footage of Matilda the Bigfoot from the Kentucky site. This is said to be identical to a Wookie Chewbacca mask that is on sale, however, if you look at the Wookie Chewbacca mask and the creature, there is no match.

The typical Chewy mask used to compare with Matilda to show that Matilda is a human wearing a mask. But there is no match.

This creature cannot possibly be a person wearing that mask. It is not possible.

This photo of possibly a different mask looks better but is still no match. Also the hair looks completely different and frankly Matilda’s hair looks like her mother’s hair in the Sleeping Bigfoot video.

One problem with the video is that the creatures mouth remains open and does not appear to move, which suggests a mask. However, later in the video, she growls at the camerawoman, so I assume (or hope) her mouth moves then. Scott Carpenter has done some superb work comparing the mask to the video and there is no match.

The last one shows night vision of Matilda walking through the woods on a game trail at night. Note that she walks exactly like Patty from the Patterson footage.

Description of Matilda from someone who saw the film. I believe this description comes from either Mary Green or Matt Moneymaker.

Nose similar to ours (but with larger nostrils)
Slightly chapped, rosy lips
Pink mouth, blackish tongue
Pointed teeth, like fangs
Deep set eyes that dart around and don’t blink
Her head is round, shaped more like ours than a gorilla’s, but her brow is much more prominent
She has lots of fine, flowing hair on her head (dark reddish brown) and soft short hair on her face
When she walks away, she moves just like the female in the Patterson Film.

She has a black tongue. Assuming this is someone in a mask, what did they do, paint the person’s tongue black? How did the person wearing the mask learn to walk away precisely like Patty? Tell me.

More Erickson Project videos from the press conference. Here are some shots taken by one of the reporters who attended the conference.

Screenshot of Matilda from the Erickson/Ketchum press conference.

A second screen shot, this time with annotations done by the reporter.

Stan Courtney shows a Bigfoot in a game cam at night. This excellent analysis shows what does appear to be a Bigfoot captured in a game cam at night. The photo quality is not so good, but it appears to be a genuine creature.

The Bigfoot is apparently in the center of the photo.

Unretouched large version of the photo above.

The same object blow up. Looks like a Bigfoot all right.

Interesting Bigfoot photo out of Pennsylvania. A town in Pennsylvania had a festival over the weekend that featured a Bigfoot calling contest. After the festival was over, a man and his wife were returning from the festivities when they saw what looked like two Bigfoots off the road in the forest moving slowly away in the direction of festival where the calling contest had taken place. The man pulled off to the side of the road and snapped about 9 nice photos of the objects.

Skeptards quickly “proved this is a hoax” by “proving that it is actually an upended tree root. However, an investigator went back to the scene with the cameraman, and there are no upended tree roots there. Before and after shots show the objects before and then the objects are not there. It does appear that he photographed one or more real Bigfoots. Unfortunately the objects are rather indistinct. Details here.

Distance shot of the Stoneman Bigfoots.

Closeup shot of the strange Stoneman Bigfoots. The other photos are copyrighted by Stoneman and I do not want to steal them.

Fascinating Frank White Bigfoot photo from Bellingham, Washington in 1976. Never seen this photo before, but it sure looks nice.

Very nice photo from 1976, when very few folks were hoaxing Bigfoot photos. Could well be real.

Superb rundown by Scott Carpenter on why the Matilda footage cannot possibly be a person wearing the Wookie mask. Great analysis by Scott here. I agree with him.

Note the massive underbite on Matilda. Odd feature for a mask.

Note the possible double tooth rows or straight tongue.

Note the black gums and once again the possible double rows of teeth. Recall that Dyer claims that Hank has double teeth. Note also the many reports of giant skeletons from back East in the 19th Century, often with double rows of teeth. We may be onto something here. She also may have a straight tongue, and most masks have no tongue.

Note the strong prognathism of the jutting lower jaw. Haven’t seen too many masks with that. Also that is no match for the Chewy masks, which have zero prognathism, not to mention lower jaw prognathism.

Closeup photo of my Bigfoot hair. I have received several Bigfoot hairs. Here is a closeup photo of one of them.

The hairs were analyzed on a number of different levels and they do appear to be Bigfoot hairs. The scaling is quite a bit different from human hairs. Bears have similar scaling, but the hairs are light and reddish, and all bears in Michigan are black.

Melissa Hovey copyright infringement case – total insanity. Here is a description of this idiotic case which was thrown out of court. Hovey received the famous Hovey photo, which does show a real Bigfoot, from an unknown person. She put a copyright on it simply as a placeholder to keep others from copyrighting it and stealing it, something that Bigfooter scumbags do all the time.

However, later Phil Poling put it up on his site in a video. Hovey screamed copyright infringement and ordered him to take it down. Then this crazy woman sued Poling for $75,000 in court. Truth is that Hovey had no right to copyright it in the first place, so she did not even own that copyright. So obviously this nuisance frivolous lawsuit was thrown out of court.

Completely ridiculous MABRC libel lawsuit. Darkwing DW Lee of MABRC and those around him are simply some of the worst people in Bigfootery. They go beyond the usual idiocy into out and out dangerousness. Threats, death threats, pipe bombs going off at Bigfoot conferences, all of these things have been associated with DW and his gang of sociopaths. Randy Harrington, DW’s sidekick, is a particularly awful person. John Phillips sued DW and Harrington for defamation due to some statements that DW made. In one of them he called Phillips’ daughter a dyke. It is not even known if she is a lesbian or not.

Anyway, Phillips sued for an outrageous $1.2 million. Like total morons, DW and Harrington failed to show up in court. Phillips won by default and DW at least apparently owes Mr. Phillips $1.2 million. That is probably the stupidest thing DW has ever done in his life. Gruesome details here.

Skeptard idiocy regarding Bigfoot. One of the skeptard arguments against Bigfoot is that if these things existed, people would be seeing them all the time. Well, they do exist, and people actually do see them pretty regularly. You would be amazed at how people I know personally who have seen these things. The argument goes something like this:

Eyewitness #1 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.

Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.

Eyewitness #2 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.

Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.

Eyewitness #3 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.

Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.

Eyewitness #4 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.

Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.

Eyewitness #5 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.

Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.

Eyewitness #6 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.

Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.

Eyewitness #7 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.

Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.

Eyewitness #8 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.

Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.

Eyewitness #9 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.

Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.

Eyewitness #10 – “I saw a Bigfoot”.

Skeptic – “Though I wasn’t there, no you didn’t”.

… Skeptic – “If these creatures were real, people would be seeing them all the time!”

Joe – (Sigh)

See what sort of crap we are up against from “science” crowd?

Special dedication to all my haters. Like Rick Dyer, I am accumulating lots of haters myself. I suppose everyone in this game does at some point.

Therefore, I am dedicating this song especially towards my deadliest enemies, including:

The JREF skeptards, in particular, the execrable Sharon Hill, Jodie and Mustbeso. Truly and painfully useless human beings.

The debased and degraded nothingness that constitutes the administrators at Bigfoot Forums, may they burn in Hell for eternity.

Rhettman Mullis, idiot.

Carl Zimmer, famous “science” writer. That this man is a famous science writer is truly pitiful.

The “science” skeptard crowd in general, may you suffer prolonged pain for your cardinal transgressions.


Rick Dyer uses gorilla hand on the back of his CD After the Shot. This has already been reveled on several blog sites. However, Frank Cali told me in an email that that was only used as a filler. If indeed photos of Hank the dead Bigfoot are owned by the investor, then no photo of Hank could possibly appear on the back of the DVD. From the comments:

I think too much has been read into the gorilla hand saga. I think it was just an image used to fill the back cover that was relevant to the contents of the DVD. If there is a real body, then of course a read pic of the hand could not be shown. Its just purely a graphic image to be in keeping with the contents and nothing more than that……?

Nevertheless, I think this was a very stupid mistake by whoever did it because it makes Dyer look like he is hoaxing this whole thing.

Theory about who owns the body of Hank and any images of him. From the comments:

I reckon as soon as Hank was shot, then the body and all the rights including footage of him dead belonged to the investor. I think Dyer and Morgan Matthews were silenced about the kill. And the investor has wanted to remain anon until the big reveal. I think Dyer did get paid up front and has been spending the money like water. His shows, his claims since Sept 6th are all just for personal attention and to give publicity on the investor’s behalf.

If you shot a Bigfoot and were paid and then told that your job was done, and if you had a personality like Dyer, well you wouldn’t want to rest on your laurels and remain quiet and not try and gain some sort of attention while you waited for the big reveal would you? I think that those DVD’s belong to the investor, and Rick is merely publicizing them and he will maybe have a cut in their sales. I think the investor has made it very very clear right from the start that they wish to remain silent throughout all this until the reveal. I think Dyer is very much controlled by the investor.

When December comes and the scientists give their announcement (which I reckon will coincide and may even be in collaboration with Sykes’ results) then any footage of dead Hank will be released (I think Minnow will be able to show more footage caught on camera and will release a Director’s Cut version of the film too). And I think people who have bought the DVD’s will actually see a real dead Bigfoot, and I obviously do think there will be a real Bigfoot body.

The tour however, that bothers me. All I wonder is that the publicity that Rick is telling us is a lie, and the tour will actually be organized on a higher level with more money, publicity and security.

Rick Dyer spinning more tales. Rick now says that the filming of Hank and the goings on surrounding his body were done by a film crew hired by Rick’s investor, not Rick himself. Rick had earlier stated that Rick himself had hired the film crew and had to pay them $20,000. He was trying to recoup some of that money via DVD sales. Now it turns out he never spent $20K on the crew. In fact, he did not spend one red center. Rick’s stories just go all over the place, here, there and everywhere.

Dyer’s investor paying for university to study Hank. The investor is apparently paying for the university to study the Bigfoot body. This is a new revelation, that a particular university has been tasked with this job. We now hear for the first time also that that the university folks are being paid to do this work.

Dyer’s latest logo. I guess you either love it or hate it. I actually do not particularly mind it. I think the lettering might have been positioned a bit differently, but it’s not a major issue. Most of Rick’s graphics, webpages, etc. are horrifically bad, but this one is actually pretty good.

New Rick Dyer logo is actually not bad.