Bigfoot News July 27, 2013

Posted on the 28 July 2013 by Calvinthedog

Possible location of US government building where Dyer’s Bigfoot was housed revealed. This is actually a good source, and it checked out very well. The file is from someone on the Dyer team who leaked it back in March. The place is called the U.S. Arid Land Agricultural Research Center in  Maricopa, Arizona.

The problem is that someone who had been to the facility described it as a “US Agricultural Research Station 90 miles outside of Las Vegas.” Then we get this photo of the Maricopa station which is 277 miles outside of Las Vegas. Doesn’t add up. Further, Musky said he was blindfolded and driven for hour hours out of Vegas to the place where the Bigfoot was held. It would seem that four hours driving out of Vegas would not be enough to get someone to the Maricopa station.

Here is a photo of the US U.S. Arid Land Agricultural Research Center, Maricopa, Arizona. It is 277 miles south of Las Vegas.

Skeptic argument that the Bigfoot in Shooting Bigfoot was someone on the Dyer team. The argument is that the Hispanic fellow on the far right is the guy who wore the suit for the Bigfoot that attacked Morgan Matthews in Shooting Bigfoot. There is some resemblance, but I do not believe this theory. In my opinion, the creature in Shooting Bigfoot is not a human being. It is either the best costume ever made or it is a real Bigfoot.

The Hispanic fellow on the far right is said to resemble the image of the Bigfoot from Shooting Bigfoot. Not sure if I believe that though.

Dyer afraid of going to jail for manslaughter for killing the Bigfoot (Hank). People are saying that Dyer is afraid that he might be prosecuted for manslaughter for killing Hank since Hank is close to a human being. There has been no confirmation of this yet and it came from a Dyer skeptic, who as a group are not very reliable.

Controversy about the $19,000 check offered to Dr. Jeff Meldrum by Facebook/Find Bigfoot. It is said that this check was offered to Jeff by FB/FB as a condition of seeing the Bigfoot, and Meldrum turned it down, asking for $15,000 instead. However, Jeff offers another version of that story that seems to make a lot more sense.

A post on Dr. Meldrum’s Facebook page states:

The truth is while trying to persuade me to come to LV, saying that Dyer was like a little kid seeking approval from me, Jack Barnes offered to send me a cashiers check of some unspecified amount to hold onto and keep if it turned out to be hoax. He was so certain (short of seeing the body) that Dyer was telling the truth that he was absolutely confident that I would be returning it.

I asked for several conditions:

Naturally I was going sight unseen so 1) pictures posted on secure webpage and give me the password

Since they already alleged to have experts experts involved. 2) provide names and affiliations and contacts for said experts and assurance that I could independently confirm their identities and testimony

And since I was likely going to have to sign an NDA, 3) Dyer would sign an agreement that if it was indeed a hoax he would not use my name or likeness in any way and he explicitly acknowledged financial liability for libel and defamation.

All reasonable requests if he was on the up and up. None of my conditions was acceptable, but Barnes offered me the cashiers check with the understanding that I returned it if the body was real, in the amount of $10K. OFFERED — didn’t send me anything. When I didn’t take that OFFER, he upped the OFFER to $15K, plus a plane ticket to LV. Still not interested.”

This version of the story actually sounds a lot more sensible than that first version about Jeff demanding $15,000 instead of $10,000.

Bottom line on Rick Dyer and Hank. Soon Hank will be revealed to the world as the first Bigfoot body the world has ever seen. The main question after that is, whither Rick Dyer?

The truth is Rick Dyer was just the instrument, the rifle, and after his trophy corpse is released, all of the world’s attention will focus on the body itself and the scientists who have been exploring its secrets. Rick Dyer is nothing in himself, because someone was bound to gun down a Bigfoot eventually, and it doesn’t matter who ended up pulling the trigger.

This man and his inflated sense of self-importance will instantly vanish from the conversation, and to the extent that he continues trying to insert himself into the spotlight, he will only succeed in further reducing and caricaturing himself.

Rick Dyer: Portrait of a Caricature as a Young Man.

He loves to call himself “the greatest Bigfoot tracker in the world,” yet he himself has admitted that on his first 88 expeditions, he had no luck whatsoever, and then the documentary Shooting Bigfoot clearly reveals his impressive “tracking methods”: Sitting by the campfire with his rifle and waiting, and waiting….and waiting. If the San Antonio specimen had not been careless enough to wander into camp that night for a free meal, Dyer would still be batting 0.00%.

Musky Allen thrown off Facebook and thrown out of Bigfoot Warz by Rick Dyer haters. The lunatic Rick Dyer haters, who are about as nutty as Rick himself, reported Musky Allen to Facebook for having an underage profile. That means that Musky is under 13 years old, clearly not the case. They also reported Cathiee, a Dyer believer, for having an underage profile. She is clearly an adult.

Bigfoot Warz taken over by Dyer haters. This used to be one of the best Bigfoot groups on Facebook. Not sure how it happened, apparently a coup de etat. Musky was the administrator of the group, and after the haters threw him off Facebook, they invaded this group and took it over. The group is now ruined, taken over by haters and full of nothing but anti-Musky and anti-Dyer posts. Sad story.

Skeptic line that Facebook Find Bigfoot said the movie Shooting Bigfoot was a fiasco. This is not true. It is true that the first review said the movie was a disappointment, but later when they got home and looked over the 65 stills they shot from the movie, they were convinced that the movie shows a real Bigfoot. Not only that, but they said that the Shooting Bigfoot footage was better than the Patterson Gimlin footage. In other words, it is the greatest Bigfoot footage of all time.

They showed HD video of the Shooting Bigfoot footage to Musky Allen, and Musky confirmed that the Bigfoot in Shooting Bigfoot is the same dead Bigfoot that he saw near Las Vegas.

Skeptic argument that Hank would have decomposed by now or by the time that Musky saw it. The truth is that the Bigfoot was frozen by the time Musky saw it and it had been cut into pieces and then put back together, possibly as part of an autopsy. He was not allowed to disclose that information at the time because people might be able to figure out the location of a facility that could freeze such a large object.

Many questions about Morgan Matthews and Shooting Bigfoot finally clarified. The mysterious, paradoxical and quizzical behavior of Morgan Matthews, his evasive answers and his curious editing of his film have caused many to shake their heads in wonderment. They simply can’t figure Morgan Matthews or his movie out. Why not? Because neither Morgan Matthews nor his movie “make sense” to an ordinary mind.

The final shots were definitely caught on film even though Morgan was knocked down by the Bigfoot. Morgan followed Rick as he gave chase to the Bigfoot, but then they lost the creature. They were heading back to the tent when they realized that the Bigfoot had circled back around and was coming back in their direction for some unfathomable reason. This was because the Bigfoot had somehow run in a full circle and was now behind them.

Was Morgan aware that Rick intended to shoot the Bigfoot? Both Rick and the crew had seen the Bigfoot that morning, and Rick said that if the Bigfoot came back to the camp for the crew to stay behind him because he was going to shoot at it.

Why does Rick carry a gun? Due to his investors. Rick’s investors want a Bigfoot body. The best way you get a Bigfoot body is to shoot one with a gun. Gun = body.

Why the silence from Minnow about Shooting Bigfoot in the months before the release of the film? The truth is that Minnow Films was under strict orders not to say anything about what happened in the movie as far as shooting the Bigfoot. Dyer would have been very happy if Minnow could have clarified what happened in the movie, but they were not allowed to do so.

Who made Minnow be quiet? There are lawyers who are fighting each other on behalf of their clients over the ownership of the body. They issued Minnow Films a gag order not to say anything about what really happened in the movie due to possible confiscation of the film. Minnow actually had to fight hard to even be able to release the film in the first place. There was no actual risk that the movie could be confiscated if Minnow played by the rules. Minnow had a right to release the movie as long as there was no statement given about the shooting of the Bigfoot. If they talked about the killing of the Bigfoot, the movie may have been subject to confiscation.

Who owns the movie? Who owns the body? Minnow films has 100% ownership over the movie Shooting Bigfoot. They have no ownership over the body of Hank. That is owned by Rick’s investors.

Frank and Dallas see a Bigfoot on one of Rick Dyer’s Bigfoot expeditions. On the recent trip to Las Vegas that included the hike up Mt. Charleston where Frank Cali had a heart attack, something strange occurred. 100 yards up the trail, Frank had a heart attack. Dallas helped him back to the camp, and Frank sat down on a tree stump covered in ants. Dallas said he was going to get help, but first he stopped and gave one of his trademark Bigfoot whoops that you can hear in the Shooting Bigfoot movie to great comedic effect. Right at that point, Frank had his eyes closed and he said suddenly he saw a vision of a Bigfoot in his mind’s eye.

Just then, Dallas asked, “Did you see it?”

Frank asked, “Did I see what?”

“The Bigfoot,” Dallas replied.

“Yes I did,” Frank said. His eyes were still closed. What he meant was he saw a Bigfoot in his mind, not with his eyes.

“Open your eyes,” Dallas said.

Frank said he opened his eyes and looked up at a nearby ridge, part of the Mt. Charleston system. On top of the ridge, he saw what could only be a Bigfoot, swaying back and forth for 12-15 seconds before it quickly moved behind a tree.

What have Team Tracker Gold memberships received for their membership so far for their $99? Basically nothing at all.

  1. The August 15 “release date” for the body, which was made public knowledge a week later and which is no longer valid;
  2. A jpeg of the frame from either Jack or Jeff’s cell-phone bootleg taken at the Toronto premier of Shooting Bigfoot, which was also available to everyone on the Internet a week later;
  3. A self-shot iPhone video of Rick in a restroom which he claimed to be just outside the room in which Hank’s body was kept and which he promised was “just the first” of more to come (there have been no others).

In other words, Gold members have been completely shafted by Rick.

Additionally, about 2 months ago Rick announced that Platinum Memberships would be available for $75.00 for a short time and that existing Gold Members could upgrade to Platinum for an additional $39.00. When someone commented in chat during that week’s Blogtalk show that it was hardly fair for someone to pay 25 dollars less and get more than someone who paid $99.00, especially not when the existing Gold member would wind up having to pay almost twice the amount to get the same thing, Rick made an asinine analogy about how Costco could change the prices for their memberships anytime they wanted.

The commenter made words to the effect that, with a Costco membership, you can start buying stuff right away, you don’t have to wait outside for the doors to open for an indefinite period only to have other people show up late and get a spot in line in front of you for less than what you paid months ago.

Rick got testy and said words to the effect, “It’s my site, and I can do whatever I want. If you don’t like it, you can fuck off, and I can cancel your membership for you.”

A TT member who I am friends with told me that TT is turning into a huge joke. He described it as:

a redneck’s-only club, like a really boring cross between Honey Boo-Boo and The Howard Stern Show.