Bigfoot News August 19, 2013

Posted on the 20 August 2013 by Calvinthedog

Rick Dyer recants all of his weird stories about Hank the Bigfoot. In a recent podcast, Rick said he made up a lot of stuff about Hank, including that it was pregnant, had double organs and had male and female genitalia. Then he laughed at everyone who was stupid enough to believe it. It is probable that the other things he said about Hank – that it has organs never seen by science, that it has a retractable pouch for its penis, that it has a slit on its nose are all lies too. So is the notion that it is chimeric, that seems to be another lie. Rick has now shown that he will lie like crazy in the course of this story. Actually, this is not the first lie he has told in the course of this story. The fact that he has lied and now hoaxed in his latest stunt where he invited people to Los Angeles to see a fake baby Bigfoot shows that during the course of this story, he has lied repeatedly and he has also hoaxed.

So at this point, now that he has lied and hoaxed throughout this story, there is no reason for any sane person to believe anything he says about this story, whether it is true or not. Let’s all just forget about Rick Dyer for now, and maybe he will go away.

Bigfoot World disappointed in Dyer’s latest stunt. When Rick invited his “haters” to come to Los Angeles to see a fake baby Bigfoot, a lot of the scene was on edge. Some thought that maybe there was a baby Bigfoot, but that seemed so dubious. When a few people showed up, they quickly learned that Rick had punked them by not even showing up. That’s actually fraud, and they have a case to take him to Small Claims Court over that. You can’t tell someone, fly to Los Angeles and I will show you something, and then not be there when they fly to LA. You owe them the cost of a plane ticket.

Rick lost almost all of his former supporters over this little stunt and the rest of the community was absolutely disgusted him. He now only has a tiny group of diehards around him including Frank Cali and unfortunately Musky Allen.

Frank was actually in on this hoax, which is disappointing. Musky laughed and cheered on the hoax when he heard that Steve Kulls had wasted airfare to fly to LA, which leaves me very disappointed in Musky. It was a very bad move by Rick Dyer. Christopher Noel said:

I am withdrawing my energies from the Dyer situation and won’t be publicly supporting his claims anymore until/unless I get to see the body myself. I am not jumping ship…just going quiet. Waiting to be granted 100% clarity. Friday’s events left me totally empty emotionally, with regard to Dyer.

Christopher also noted that Rick had pulled Frank Cali into his stunt by telling Frank the lie that the Bigfoot had both male and female genitalia. Frank, not knowing better, repeated that lie on the radio show and was made to look like a total fool. And because he lied about Hank, Frank’s credibility is now completely screwed.

The way he hung Frank Cali out to dry by setting him up to host the show solo and (unwittingly) lie to the world about the double-gender findings made me sick to my stomach. Frank’s credibility is based on his good word, and that was publicly squandered when he was forced to take part in Rick’s false information and false promise.

Theory about why the release date was moved back to January 14, 2014. A source reported to me her theory on why the investors did this:

The body team wants to distance themselves from Rick because they think he’s finally gone off the deep end. Seeing him post a million “update” videos about a false promise on Thursday was the last straw for them in terms of trying to work with him and now they want to free themselves of having to keep him in the loop, even to the small extent they have been. So they tell him this outlandish new date and make it sound firm so that he will go away and not bug them for information, as he would if he still thought the date was anytime soon.

It’s entirely possible that they were so totally disgusted with this latest prank that they were motivated to strike back against Rick by telling him a date that would hurt him deeply. If that’s true, then they can’t honestly be concerned about his and his family’s safety.

Their safety is at greater risk the more Rick is seen as a treacherous amoral egomaniac. There have already been several attacks. Their dog was killed, for instance.

Frank Cali may be distancing himself from Rick Dyer. A source reported this theory to me about Frank.

I have this sneaking suspicion that Frank may be bowing out. He’s normally on FB all day and today not at all. Either that or the stress has sent him back to the hospital.

And what better proof of Rick’s toxicity than that he is only too happy to drag Frank along on this maniacal ride?

However, I am not sure that that is true as Frank sent me a couple of emails recently as a representative of Rick’s organization.

Rick Dyer sending out lawsuit threats. I have received two lawsuit threats from Rick Dyer’s group via the disgusting Frank Cali. They ordered me to take down Rick’s videos that I was hosting on my site because they said it was a violation of Rick’s copyright. All I was doing was linking to the videos and I had not copied them myself, so I don’t see how this is a violation.

Anyway, it’s not lawsuit material. I think you are supposed to issue a DMCA takedown order rather than filing suit. A judge would probably throw it out of court. You stole some guy’s public Youtube video by hotlinking to it? LOL! One letter was from Rick’s “attorney.” I seriously doubt if this attorney even exists. I Googled the name and could not come up with much. He probably doesn’t even have an attorney.

Theory that Musky Allen conspired with Rick Dyer to destroy Facebook Find Bigfoot. Before the Rick Dyer Tent Video appeared last September, Musky told a friend of his that he was going to destroy Facebook Find Bigfoot if that was the last thing he did. That was his mission in life. He hated them because they were promoting the “hoax that is Bigfoot.”

Later he defended Rick Dyer because he said the community needed more Rick Dyers. By that, Musky meant that Rick was a hoaxer, and the community needed more great hoaxers hoaxing us all the time in order to show us what fools we were for believing the hoax that is Bigfoot. People take this comment supporting Rick to mean the start of Musky conspiring with Rick in Rick’s latest Bigfoot hoax.

Later when Rick released his Tent Video, Musky completely slammed it as fake. This does not make sense if he was in with Rick on a hoax, but somehow, this was all part of the conspiracy. Then as Rick’s “hoax” unfolded, it turned out that the Dyer haters did in fact take down Facebook Find Bigfoot, destroying the group and removing all of its great videos from Youtube. I will never forgive the Dyer haters for doing that. Those were some of the finest Bigfoot videos of all time.

Also the men behind FB/FB were unmasked, and they were harassed and humiliated in public. Most of Musky’s friends left him and Musky was harassed until the end of time. Rick was also harassed to Hell (not that he didn’t deserve it) but also his dog was killed by the haters. Seems a Hell of a price to pay for a hoax.

Anyway since the whole Dyer affair resulted in the destruction of FB/FB (even though the haters did it and not Musky) supposedly Musky’s goal to see them taken down was realized. Some are even saying that Musky himself took down FB/FB with complaints, which seems dubious.

This whole theory doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense to me, but that is what the Dyer skeptics are pushing.

Bigfoot World withdrawing interest in Rick Dyer. Although as you can see, I am continuing to report about him, I am trying to do a lot less of it. Following Noel, I think it best if we just go quiet and wait and see what he has, if anything. As one of my sources put it:

But look at this, we’re spending all this energy on him. Narcissists thrive on energy spent by others.

Like any schoolyard bully, he is best fought via the withdrawal of energy.

I feel like if everybody stopped paying attention to him, he’d go the way of the Wicked Witch: “I’m melting!”

Very interesting baby Bigfoot photo.

Interesting photo of a purported baby Bigfoot.

Although this photo is very blurry and it is hard to make out anything at all, there is something that I like very much about this picture that few if any hoaxers are able to pull off. I won’t even say what that is as there are way too many evil hoaxers as it is, and the more we tell them, the better they make their hoaxes. But I do like this photo.

Night vision Sasquatch sighting Zigzag Oregon. No one knows quite what to make out of this, but in the comments on the Youtube posting, many commenters are saying it is a guy in a ghillie suit. That is what it may well be. I do not have the faintest idea.