Bigfoot News April 26, 2013

Posted on the 27 April 2013 by Calvinthedog

Hank (the Bigfoot Rick Dyer killed) has been purchased by a major Las Vegas casino! I have just learned from an excellent source that a major Las Vegas casino has purchased Hank from whoever owned it (Rick and possibly his investors). It is the casino, not Dyer, that will show Hank to the world sometime this summer, possibly in August. No doubt this will not end the speculation about the story either, as deniers will continue to say that this is a hoax along the lines of the Minnesota Iceman.

That Hank will be displayed somehow at a casino for profit will obviously not settle the question of whether or not Hank is a real Bigfoot or a clever copy, and in fact, the profiteering aspect (already well underway – note how Dyer is selling “memberships”) will make many scream “hoax”.

As you can see, this is turning into a Minnesota Iceman Redux, possibly with many of the similar problems and issues that confronted the Iceman story (which I believe did involve an actual Bigfoot shot by Hansen himself in Minnesota). Hopefully, the Hank story will be resolved better (proof of Bigfoot) than the Iceman story was.

It’s too bad it all had to unfold this way.

Surely, if the US government took custody of this Bigfoot, they would not be trying to make money off it, though the “make government a business” reactionaries would not doubt be screaming for Uncle Sam to profit in some way from its scientific possession. That the state is one of the last institutions left in the US that is not devoted solely and only to “the spirit of hucksterism” (see Marx), I have long felt, is one of the major impetuses behind that anti-government reactionary nature of the American people, who as a nation went over to mass hucksterism long ago, and exactly as Marx predicted 150 years ago. And surely, Rick Dyer exemplifies “the huckster” immaculately. As does Tom Biscardi.

Morgan Matthews silent about Shooting Bigfoot. A source is good friends with Matthews and asked Morgan about the movie. Morgan refused to comment on the movie, and the source said this is odd because normally Morgan will talk to this fellow about anything and everything. The source did however state that Morgan seemed to be very excited about the movie, which made the source excited that there may be something to the Dyer story.

The source the only thing holding him back from believing in the story is that Rick Dyer is involved; he felt that Dyer is the sleaziest person on Earth and as such he was extremely wary about anything with Dyer’s name associated with it. His assessment of Dyer is of course 100% correct, but even sleazeballs can do great things (read up on famous people on Wikipedia and see how many of them were monstrous as human beings aside from whatever they did that made them famous). And even pathological liars (yes, Dyer is a pathological liar) tell the truth sometimes, or actually most of the time. No one lies all the time. Think about it. It’s not even possible.

My opinion of Rick Dyer. To sum up and be as nice to him as possible, I would describe Dyer as a huckster, a scammer, a sleazy capitalist, and a con artist. His personality is “showboating blowhard” (like most Bigfooters). In addition, he is very rude and very unpleasant. The constant bragging is very hard to take (Who is this guy, a White Mohammad Ali?).

I suppose the most charitable way to put it is not to say that he’s a bad person (you can decide that for yourself) but instead that I simply do not like people like that. I have known plenty of them in my life, and you can’t get me away from them quickly enough. I can barely stand to listen to his radio shows because he rubs me the wrong way so much. I find myself wincing and making disgusted faces all the way through it. He is apparently hated by the vast majority of the Bigfoot community, and I would say for good reason.

He’s not going to tone anything down after he gets famous, which is going to be quite soon. Instead, a good portion of US society will soon develop strong opinions about Dyer, probably most of them quite negative. In his favor, Rick does have his fans (often female, as women crave narcissists and sociopaths like chocolate). His male admirers are less common (most men don’t cotton much to douchebags as we have had so many unpleasant interactions with male douchebags over the years that most of us have “baggage in this regard), but they definitely exist.

Dyer selling memberships to his website. The memberships are insanely overpriced, especially the gold memberships. But a lot of folks have already bought memberships, including gold memberships. I am sad to say that a couple of my friends fell for it. This proves nothing except that as Rick’s mentor’s comment that there’s one born every minute. It’s not illegal in the US to sell overpriced worthless nonsense, and you’re free to charge whatever the market will bear in most cases. Rick’s just going for a ride again, and this time he has a lot of passengers.

However, as you can see, Rick is already profiting from Hank, which of course will only increase the accusations of hoaxing. Even if he is hoaxing, nothing will ever come of it since US DA’s don’t file charges for fraud much anymore, and sadly they never have in Dyer’s case. Nor has Dyer even been sued for the various times he has defrauded his fellow humans. Rick will just get away with it once again, the same way he gets away with everything, by landing on his feet. This cat must have 99 lives.

New clues about the photos of Hank (the Bigfoot Rick Dyer killed). Four photos of Hank recently surfaced, not two as I originally reported. One was a photo of Hank being loaded into a box truck by several men. Three were of a group of men standing around Hank’s body, which is lying on an embankment. The scene appears to be early in the morning, probably the morning of September 7, 2012, after Hank was shot at 10:30 PM the previous evening. Dyer can clearly be seen in two of the photos, and the film crew also seems to be present.

In one of the photos, curiously, there are two men wearing sports coats and slacks who are obviously not the local homeless population or part of the film crew. It is uncertain who they are, but they may be some sort of government officials.

Facebook Find Bigfoot appear to have seen Hank on their Las Vegas visit to talk to Rick Dyer. This is what I have gathered from conversations with my sources. They did not come right out and say it, as that would get them into trouble, but with a lot of hints and oblique statements, they very much implied to me without saying so explicitly that FB/FB did indeed view the body on that trip, and I believe that they did also. Their having viewed the body is probably one of the main reasons why they are so certain that the Dyer shooting dead Hank the Bigfoot is true.

A “commission” represents the body of Hank. They appear to have some sort of ownership or retention rights over this corpse. The commission includes those who own the body (whoever they are) along with the US government research facility which is housing it. If you want to see the body, you have to go through this commission and sign NDA’s with them. As this branch of the government is part of the commission, the papers you have to sign are quite complicated.

The US government did not build a separate facility just to house Hank. Instead, they built a makeshift area in an already existing facility. However, most of the workers at the facility do not have access to the makeshift area where Hank is being held. This government research facility is quite complex and it is possible that the scientists/technicians who work there do not even know of the existence of Hank or that he is being stored at the facility. However, there is a US government team that has been tasked with work with, study and guard/protect Hank.


Marx, Karl. 1844. Zur Judenfrage (On the Jewish Question). Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher.