Big Time Clean-up

By John Markowski @jmarkowski0

Two big "projects" have been completed and I am enjoying kicking back and enjoying the fruits of my (and maybe some others) labor.
This area under the only mature tree on my property has been a mess since we moved in to the house back in 2004:
So there was no better time than now to take action. Lots of weed pulling, weed digging, cardboard laying, limb trimming and mulching later, and we have this:
The kids playground area has admittedly been ignored for two years now (Yes, I am a selfish SOB) and I am embarrassed to actually show you how bad it got:
Well, Dad has made it OK to slide down the slide again and dammit, the kids better take advantage before it falls into disarray again:
So now I'll kick back on the deck and simply stare at these two wonders ... and pray I can maintain them this way.