Big News for True Blood Comic Series

Posted on the 11 November 2011 by Truebloodnetcom @truebloodnet

According to IDW Publishing the TRUE BLOOD comic book series has become one of their most popular titles.  Since its first issue was published by IDW in July 2010, each installment has given Truebies a deeper insight into their favorite characters.  Now, a new comic will be released every month.  Alan Ball, the show’s creator, says about the series:

“The comics are a great way to continue telling True Blood stories off screen. With this new ongoing series, Truebies will be able to find a new comic in stores every month. We’ll also have even more room to create in-depth drama and further explore the world of Bon Temps.”

After IDW and HBO reached the New York Times‘ Best-Selling First Comic Collection with their compilation of ALL TOGETHER NOW, they released the second compilation entitled TAINTED LOVE.  All Together Now is about a woodland monster who ravages Merlotte’s and Tainted Love revolves around Jessica ingesting some poisoned bottles of True Blood and Bill‘s search for its origin.  In stores now, the third mini-series (not yet compiled) is called THE FRENCH QUARTER and:

“finds Sookie and Eric in New Orleans tracking a killer, whom Eric and Godric thought they killed in Paris more than 200 years ago, while Bill is in town investigating a local Hep-D outbreak that may be connected to the killer’s latest victims. Meanwhile, back in Bon Temps, Truebies will wonder why Pam is hanging out at Merlotte’s and what it is she wants with Lafayette.”

The French Quarter issues will be compiled as a series and released in March 2012.

TRUE BLOOD: ALL TOGETHER NOW ($24.99, 160 pages, hard cover, full color) is now available in stores. Diamond order code DEC10 0370; ISBN 978-1-60010-868-6.

TRUE BLOOD: TAINTED LOVE ($24.99, 160 pages, hard cover, full color) is now available in stores. Diamond order code JUL11 0370; ISBN 978-1-61377-019-1.

TRUE BLOOD: TAINTED LOVE ($11.99) is available in Apple’s iBook Store here:

The entire TRUE BLOOD COMICS COLLECTION is available for the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch through the Apple App Store []

TRUE BLOOD comics are available for the Sony PSP through the Sony Digital Comics store here:

Whoever has these comics or loves comics and True Blood should let us know what you think in the comments section! If you have any Truebie friends, I know the books make a great holiday present! (I’m hoping to find Tainted Love in my stocking since I’ve already purchased and devoured All Together Now.)

Image and Article Source: IDW Publishing