Big Decisions, Little Decisions

By Alternativeeden @markngaz
Spring is a very busy period for most gardeners, with plants waking up from their winter dormancy and putting out fresh new growth, as well as gardeners 'waking up' too with the warmer weather and longer daylight hours. The growing season starts and its exciting times ahead for gardeners, finally we can all get stuck in outdoors again after a long wait during the colder months.
Suddenly the garden becomes a flurry of activity again. But is it also a case of so much to do, so little time; and also all things happening at the same time?
I find that this is the case every spring, year in and year out. So many things that needs to be done, so many possibilities, hence so many things to think about. My mind is always buzzing at this time of the year with so many things to decide upon. And not just one aspect mind you, like on plants, but lots of other things to like:
What color of paint should I use on this furniture?
Should I purchase vine weevil nematodes now or later?
What color scheme should I use this year in this area?

Should I repot some of my Agaves now or should I prioritise the Colocasias?
What plant should I put in this spot? And will it do well here?
Which nursery should I visit first this month? What about next month?
A palm or a banana? Or perhaps a tree fern?
etc. etc.
Decisions, decisions, both big and small. And seemingly all needing to be made at the same time.
It gets more complicated if you are a gardener and a garden maker, rather than just a plant collector. You don't just have to think about the plants, but paint color and hard landscaping decisions amongst others.
The list can be endless, and for that reason I stopped making lists of things to be done as I inevitably keep adding to the list almost as soon as I tick some of them off, even adding more than what I take off.

Should I or should I not?? Hmmmm...

So I just keep a sensible mental list, with the more vital and time sensitive tasks kept at the top of course as some things would need more priority over the other. Like a wall that needs painting that has a deciduous climber growing on it, you only have narrow window of opportunity to paint when it's warm enough to paint but also just before the climber leafs out. As once the climber leafs out it'll be much harder to paint the wall, and frustrating to splash paint on the newly emerged leaves. So you have to prioritise that over painting the furniture perhaps (even if visitors are due in a few weeks or so).
It can be daunting at times, and whenever I find myself being daunted by it all I just zone out and do things in the garden that are calming and relaxing without requiring too much thought.
And I sometimes just pause in the midst of it all and be grateful that there are so many things to think about. I should never let myself be stressed for in essence they are all sweet dilemmas. And that having so many choices is privilege that must be appreciated and not taken for granted.
Smile, it's only spring. And we waited months for this. And doing lots now will pay dividends, hoping that with all the work and decisions made now would mean a much easy going summer, with more time for relaxing and unwinding....
In theory that is!
Gardeners and garden makers will always find something to do and to think about. It's just that some months are more intense than others.
But that's the way it is, and its wonderful!
Mark :-)