Two guys come out on stage. One gets behind the drum kit and the other grabs a bass. Never hearing of them before, I didn’t know what to expect. The drummer cranks out a beat and the bass comes in on the high end for a bit and it starts. Through all the songs the drummer is high energy and knows his way around the drums. The bassist/singer holds down the low and the mid. Using vocal effects he layers the vocals and they don’t need a guitar for the sonic show that was.
Sleep -
Wall of amps with drums in the middle. For the next two hours we were taken on a low and slow ride through thunderous guitars, bass and drums. Matt was ever present with his guitar playing and Al on bass and vocals was great. Jason was also doing a great job behind the kit and executed his part well. The mix of oldies and the new material was a great mix (see the set list I nabbed a shot of from the lighting girl).
Having never heard Big Business and never seeing either live, this was a treat for me. If you like Sleep, I suggest seeing them live at least once. Big Business is going on my Bandcamp wish list and in the cart as soon as I can.