Biden Remorse

Posted on the 06 November 2020 by Doggone

I seriously have a hard time accepting that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris could win an election, but it seems we live in an age of miracles. 


Or is it because any criticism of Biden was not allowed. Glenn Greenwald quit the Intercept due to a blackout on the coverage of Hunter Biden's influence peddling. Likewise, Axios commented that "Joe Biden is the luckiest, least scrutinized frontrunner."

A deeply flawed candidate whose campaign was considered dead, until "Super Thursday" has suddenly become the likely president of the United States.

Even more amazing when you consider that the States that put him past 270 Electoral College votes were pretty much "pro-Second Amendment".  Not to mention how Nevada was hit hard by the Covid-19 lockdowns.

Unless there is the hope that Second Amendment sanctuaries in MOFN will see a rise in population due to Biden's making "AR-14s" and similar weapons NFA items. Seriously, I have a problem accepting that anyone in their right mind in some of these places actually voted for Biden.

And while I believe that there should be an Australian style gun buyback coupled with strong gun laws: the likelihood of that happening anytime soon seems far more impossible than a 78 year old, senile, has been politician miraculously winning an election.

Even if he does it by the skin of his teeth.

I'm not sure if there was election fraud involved, or if enough people hated Donald Trump to vote for someone who is as bad as Trump, but "nicer". Unless you happen to be a UAW member who gets into an argument with Biden about gun control.

I mean, Biden is someone who actually tells you to vote for someone else!

I took that advice and voted Green Party.

I knew what I was getting into. But I think a lot of people had no fucking idea what they were doing.

And they will regret it pretty soon.