Lucy Flores says Joe Biden, in 2014, touched her shoulder and kissed the back of her head.
Flores and Biden
Flores was running (unsuccessfully) for Nevada Lieutenant Governor. Biden had come out there to help her. His actions — in public, at a campaign event — were obviously intended as gestures of support and encouragement. A lot of thanks he’s gotten from Lucy Flores (now a Sanders enthusiast). She says Biden made her uncomfortable.
Too many women have suffered real ghastliness from men, abusive behavior, intimidation, outright sexual assault. Literal rape in Weinstein’s case. True victims. Those perpetrators deserve punishment and pariahdom.
Flores claims Biden’s touch made her uncomfortable? Know what I’d say to this lady? Boo hoo. Grow up. If this was a big deal for you, you’ve led a charmed life.
Flores & Sanders. Umm . . . what is wrong with this picture?
You want a perfect presidential candidate? Who’s never done anything anyone could question? Then find a hermit who’s lived in a cave his whole life. Biden’s lived in public, interacting with people day in and day out, by the thousands. Sometimes people can take things wrong.
The other day I e-mailed my daughter about a draft report she wrote. I was mostly laudatory (ending with “Bravo!”) but included a couple of language corrections. Focusing on the latter she angrily accused me of belittling her work. I was mortified.
That’s what can happen with interactions among imperfect fallible humans. Long ago I was on track to marry a woman — until I sent her something meant as a joke. She read it literally and freaked out. End of relationship.
Maybe that disqualifies me from the presidency. But if the Flores thing is Biden’s worst sin, he’s a goddamn saint.
The contrast with Biden could not be more stark. He is about as good and decent a human being as you can find. May be the nation’s best hope for redemption from the depraved monster in the White House. For Democrats themselves to destroy him, over Lucy Flores, would be tragically insane. How ironic if “MeToo” winds up the cause of Pussygrabber’s re-election.